2 Headboard from 64 bus 2.headboard.IMG_5689.jpg
3 Can You Pass The Acid Test business card 2 minor crease marks top right corner 3.canyoupasscardcrease.IMG_4827.jpg
4 Acid Test Graduation Bus Banner remnant \ACID TES"""" 4.atgradbanner.IMG_5731.jpg
5 St. Jack hand corrected manuscript signed - gift to KO from KK 5.stjack.IMG_4838.jpg
6 Pigpen is Dead single handwritten sheet 6.pigdead.IMG_4837.jpg
7 Egypt Program - signed Mouse 7.a.gdegypt.IMG_4808.jpg
8 Intrepid Trips business card 8.intreptripscard.IMG_4832.jpg
9 Intrepid Trips business card Signed by KK 9.inrepcard.IMG_4833.jpg
10 Intrepid Trips business card Signed by KK 10.intrepidcard.IMG_4834.jpg
11 KK letter on great authors/book returned letter listing his favorite authors and greatest book 11.authorbookletterkk.IMG_5772.jpg
12 It Is mobile kesey business card signed on back 12.itiscard.IMG_4831.jpg
13 It Is mobile kesey business card signed on back 13.itiscard.IMG_4830.jpg
14 Trips Festival Memo from Brand to Gleason with email from brand 14.memobrandgleason.IMG_4845.jpg
15 American Gold 1943-1993 15 pgs 15.americangold.IMG_4839.jpg
18 Demon Box Table of Contents layout Table of contents with notes to editor by KK, 18.DemonBox contents.IMG_4784.jpg
19 Demon Box Layout for Dust Wrapper hand done by KK 19.demonboxDJ.IMG_4783.jpg
20 Demon Box Photocopied manuscripts - 2 Joon The Goon Was What-2pgs. Mothers Day 1969 - 7pgs. 20.joonmanu.IMG_4785.jpg
21 Demon Box Photocopied manuscript Pack of Walnettos 3 pgs 21.walnettosmanu.IMG_4786.jpg
22 Demon Box Photocopied manuscript LTTS meets BDTB! 6 pgs 22.littletrickermanu.IMG_4787.jpg
23 Demon Box Photocopied manuscript The Demon Box 50 pgs 23.demonboxmanu.IMG_4788.jpg
24 Demon Box Photocopied manuscripts - 2 1 pg.- \How Many Holes' - handwrit.stickey note "Wilson" Here's bible bill for the wall of the box"folded.""" Abdul and Ebenezer
25 Demon Box Photocopied manuscript Last Time the Angles Came Up - 8 pgs. 25.lasttimemanu.IMG_4791.jpg
26 1951/2 Buzz -A-Miller phone directory 26.buzzamiller.IMG_5366.jpg
27 Electric Kool Aid Acid Test Screenplay Michael Nolin and Bruce Meade First Draft 27.ekatscreeplay.IMG_5423.jpg
28 NORMAL bill of rights on hemp paper signed over top of document by KK 28.hempbillrightskk.IMG_5692.jpg
29 Is There An End To The Kerouac Highway excerpt on 1 page and signed with shaky pen and colored pencils 29.endtokerouachwy.IMG_5474.jpg
30 OFOTCN excerpt signed and annotated 30.cuckoospecial.IMG_4835.jpg
31 Autobiographical statement signed, colored, picks added 31.autobio.IMG_4836.jpg
32 City of SF Oracle The turning point
33 Kesey Christmas Card inscribed by Faye Cheers detergent gag card 33.xmascard.IMG_4792.jpg
34 City of SF Oracle The turning point edges torn 34.oracleturnpt.IMG_5281.jpg
36 Rolling Stone No. 39 Aug. 9, 1969 B. Jones Mem. KK Stonehenge 36.rs39.IMG_5459.jpg
38 Rolling Stone No. 53 March 7, 1970 KK On The Farm 38.rs53.IMG_5446.jpg
39 Rolling Stone No. 53 March 7, 1970 KK On The Farm 39.rs53.IMG_5447.jpg
40 Rolling Stone No. 53 March 7, 1970 KK On The Farm 40.rs53..jpg
41 Rolling Stone No. 53 March 7, 1970 KK On The Farm 41.rs53.IMG_5449.jpg
42 Rolling Stone No. 53 March 7, 1970 KK On The Farm 42.rs53.IMG_5450.jpg
43 Rolling Stone No. 53 March 7, 1970 KK On The Farm 43.rs53.IMG_5451.jpg
44 Rolling Stone No. 53 March 7, 1970 KK On The Farm 44.rs53.IMG_5452.jpg
45 Rolling Stone No. 53 March 7, 1970 KK On The Farm 45.rs53.IMG_5453.jpg
46 Rolling Stone No. 53 March 7, 1970 KK On The Farm 46.rs53.IMG_5454.jpg
47 Rolling Stone No. 53 March 7, 1970 KK On The Farm 47.rs53.IMG_5455.jpg
52 Rolling Stone No. 60 June 11, 1970 Sanity talk at Berkley 52.rs60.IMG_5461.jpg
54 Rolling Stone No. 61 June 25, 1970 KK at Multiarts Festival 54.rs61.IMG_5460.jpg
56 Rolling Stone No. 70 Nov. 12, 1970 letter to Leary 56.rs70.IMG_5456.jpg
57 Rolling Stone No. 70 Nov. 12, 1970 letter to Leary 57.rs70.IMG_5457.jpg
58 Rolling Stone No. 70 Nov. 12, 1970 letter to Leary 58.rs70.IMG_5458.jpg
61 Rolling Stone No. 165 7/18/1974 back cover tear Fried Ice Cream Papers. 61.rs165.IMG_5338.jpg
63 Rolling Stone No.174 Nov. 21, 1974 Exp.To the Secret Pyramids 63.rs174.IMG_5339.jpg
64 Rolling Stone No.174 Nov. 21, 1974 mailing label Exp.To the Secret Pyramids 64.rs174.IMG_5340.jpg
67 Rolling Stone No. 175 Dec. 5, 1974 mailing label KandPerryR.theNile 67.rs175IMG_5341.jpg
68 Rolling Stone No. 175 Dec. 5, 1975 mailing label KandPerryR.theNile 68.rs175.IMG_5342.jpg
71 Rolling Stone No. 176 Dec. 19, 1974 mailing label Inside the Throne. 71.rs176.IMG_5344.jpg
72 Rolling Stone No. 176 Dec. 19, 1974 cover torn at top Inside the Throne. 72.rs176.IMG_5345.jpg
73 Rolling Stone No. 176 Dec. 19, 1974 Inside the Throne. 73.rs175.IMG_5343.jpg
76 Rolling Stone No. 178 Jan. 16,1975 Down the Tombs. 76.rs178.IMG_5346.jpg
77 Rolling Stone No. 178 Jan. 16,1976 Down the Tombs. 77.rs178.IMG_5347.jpg
80 Rolling Stone No. 180 Feb. 13, 1975 mailing label End of the Search FTSP 80.rs180.IMG_5350.jpg
81 Rolling Stone No. 180 Feb. 13, 1976 End of the Search FTSP 81.rs180.IMG_5348.jpg
82 Rolling Stone No. 180 Feb. 13, 1977 End of the Search FTSP 82.rs180.IMG_5349.jpg
87 Rolling Stone No. 277 nov 2, 1978 dead in Egypt 87.RS277.deadegypt.IMG_5197.jpg
93 Rolling Stone No. 367 April 15,1982 Dr. Fung 93.rs367.IMG_5336.jpg
94 Rolling Stone No. 367 April 15,1982 Dr. Fung 94.rs367.IMG_5337.jpg
97 Rolling Stone No. 761 May 29,1997 on Ginsberg 97.rs761.IMG_5355.jpg
100 Rolling Stone No. 787 May 28, 1998 100.rs787.IMG_5354.jpg
101 Rolling Stone No. 790/791 July 9-23, 1998 Oregon Shootings 101.rs790.IMG_5352.jpg
105 Rolling Stone No. 844/845 7/6-20/00 105.rs844.IMG_5353.jpg
108 Rolling Stone Issue 885/886 Dec 22,2001/jan 3 2002 KK His Life and Times 108.rs885.IMG_5351.jpg
112 High Times Oct. 79 A Prankster Looks at the 80’s 112.hightimes.79.IMG_5247.jpg
114 High Times Dec-86 KK Reluctant Guru 114.hightimes86.IMG_5259.jpg
115 High Times Dec-86 KK Reluctant Guru 115.hightimes86.IMG_5260.jpg
116 High Times Dec-86 KK Reluctant Guru - sealed 116.hightimes86.IMG_5261.jpg
118 High Times Dec-90 Kesey Rides Again 118.hightimes.90.IMG_5248.jpg
119 High Times Dec-90 Kesey Rides Again 119.hightimes90.IMG_5249.jpg
120 High Times Dec-90 Kesey Rides Again 120.hightimes90.IMG_5250.jpg
122 High Times May-93 50 yrs. Of LSD 122.hightimes50yrslsd.IMG_5251.jpg
125 High Times Nov. 97 Invade Whee! 125.hightimes97.IMG_5252.jpg
126 High Times Nov. 97 Invade Whee! 126.hightimes97.IMG_5253.jpg
127 High Times Nov. 97 Invade Whee! 127.hightimes97.IMG_5254.jpg
128 High Times Nov. 97 Invade Whee! 128.hightimes97.IMG_5255.jpg
129 High Times Nov. 97 Invade Whee! 129.hightimes97.IMG_5256.jpg
130 High Times Nov. 97 Invade Whee! 130.hightimes97.IMG_5257.jpg
131 High Times Nov. 97 Invade Whee! 131.hightimes97.IMG_5258.jpg
133 Elgin Six Acid test print ad cut out of mag 133.elginATad.IMG_5728.jpg..jpg
136 The Last Supplement to the W.E.C. KK The Bible 136.lastsupwec.IMG_5121.jpg
140 CoEvolution Quarterly Fall 1976 - earthshoes and other remarks VG+ 140.coev76.IMG_5131.jpg
141 CoEvolution Quarterly Fall 1976 - earthshoes and other remarks some stains and foxing 141.coev.76.IMG_5132.jpg
142 CoEvolution Quarterly Fall 1976 - earthshoes and other remarks spine edge worn off 142.coev76.IMG_5133.jpg
150 CoEvolution Quarterly No. 37 Spring 83 signed kk silver on cover 150.coev83.signed.IMG_5123.jpg
151 CoEvolution Quarterly No. 37 Spring 83 mark from old insert on page 1 151.coev83.IMG_5124.jpg
152 CoEvolution Quarterly No. 37 Spring 83 152.coev83.IMG_5125.jpg
153 CoEvolution Quarterly No. 37 Spring 83 153.coev83.IMG_5126.jpg
154 CoEvolution Quarterly No. 37 Spring 83 154.coev83.IMG_5127.jpg
155 CoEvolution Quarterly No. 37 Spring 83 155.coev83.IMG_5128.jpg
156 CoEvolution Quarterly No. 37 Spring 83 156.coev83.IMG_5129.jpg
157 CoEvolution Quarterly No. 37 Spring 83 157.coev83.IMG_5130.jpg
165 Whole Earth Catalog Spring 1970 165.whole70IMG_5120.jpg
168 Esquire Mar-76 Abdul and Ebenezer 168.esquire76.IMG_5397.jpg
169 Esquire Mar-76 Abdul and Ebenezer 169.esquire76.IMG_5398.jpg
170 Esquire 3/1/1976 writing on cover 22 on girls chin Abdul and Ebenezer 170.esquire76.IMG_5399.jpg
174 Esquire Oct. 79 - The Day After Superman Died 174.esquire79.IMG_5402.jpg
175 Esquire Oct. 79 - The Day After Superman Died 175.esquire79.IMG_5404.jpg
176 Esquire Oct. 79 - spine stain The Day After Superman Died 176.esquire79.IMG_5403.jpg
177 Esquire Oct 79 poor cond 177.esquire79.IMG_5401.jpg
181 Esquire – Fifty Who Made a Difference Dec. 1983 181.esquire83.IMG_5395.jpg
183 Esquire Aug-81 Dream of Jeannie 183.esquire81.IMG_5393.jpg
184 Esquire Aug-81 Dream of Jeannie 184.esquire81.IMG_5394.jpg
186 Esquire Jun-86 KK Robert Stone - Male Heroes 186.esquire86.IMG_5568.jpg
188 Esquire 6/1/1985 - 3\ tear at lower spine"" Cowboy spirit 188.esquire85.IMG_5567.jpg
190 Esquire Sept. 1992 kissing no ass 190.esquire92.IMG_5400.jpg
193 Esquire Oct-93 on Guts 193.esquire93.IMG_5396.jpg
196 Esquire Aug. 99 UK edition Where's Merlin 196.esquireuk99.IMG_5405.jpg
198 Time Magazine 02.16.62 ofotcn 198.time62.IMG_4885.jpg
199 Time Magazine 02.16.62 ofotcn 199.time62.IMG_4886.jpg
200 Time 02.16.62 ofotcn 200.time62.IMG_5467.jpg
203 Saturday Review 04.14.62 - spine re-bound? Review of OFOTCN 203.satrev62.IMG_4887.jpg
204 Saturday Review 07.25.64 Review of SGN 204.satrev64.IMG_4881.jpg
206 Saturday Review May/June 1983 sailor song no mailing label - cover tear spine 206.satrev.IMG_5006.jpg
207 Saturday Review May/June 1983 sailor song no mailing label - cover tear spine 207.satrev.IMG_5007.jpg
208 Saturday Review May/June 1983 sailor song mailing label 208.satrev.IMG_5008.jpg
209 Saturday Review May/June 1983 sailor song mailing label 209.satrev.IMG_5009.jpg
210 Saturday Review May/June 1983 sailor song mailing label 210.satrev.IMG_5010.jpg
213 Springfield News 07.30.64 article and picks of bus post trip 213.springfieldnews64.IMG_4893.jpg
214 The Atlantic Aug. 64 review of sgn 214.atlantic64.IMG_4883.jpg
215 Old Oregon Sept Oct 1964 small scuff mark on cover review sgn 215.oldoregon.IMG_4882.jpg
217 Cavalier Sept. 66 217.cavalier.IMG_5221.jpg
218 Seattle Oct. 1966 mailing label and 2/13 written on back Tom Robbins on KK SGN 218.seattle66.tomrobSGN.IMG_5735.jpg
219 Sunday Ramparts Oct. 23, 1966 love pageant article/photo KK 219.sunramparts.IMG_5278.jpg
220 Berkley Barb Nov. 4, 1966 acid test grad 220.berkbarb66.IMG_5266.jpg
221 Berkley Barb Nov. 4, 1966 acid test grad 221.berkbarb66.IMG_5267.jpg
223 Los Angeles Free Press Nov. 25, 1966 acid test grad 223.lafreepress66.IMG_5273.jpg
224 Los Angeles Free Press Nov. 25, 1967 acid test grad 224.lafreepress66.IMG_5272.jpg
226 Berkley Citizen 12.9.66 Kesey after hours - quotes 226.berkcitiz.IMG_5269.jpg
227 New York - the world journal tribune magazine Jan. 29, 1967 Tom Wolfe The World of LSD 227,nyjournal67IMG_5445.jpg
228 New York - the world journal tribune magazine February 12. 1967 pt 3 on kk 228.nyworldjournal.IMG_5424.jpg
230 Ramparts March 1967 - Social History of Hippies with content flap 230.ramparts.IMG_5236.jpg
231 Ramparts March 1967 - Social History of Hippies mint no flap 231.ramparts.IMG_5237.jpg
235 OZ May 1967 No. 3 article on kesey, leary, diggers 235.oz67.IMG_5207.jpg
237 Jaguar 7.1.67 author of the issue - kk
238 Jaguar 7.1.67 author of the issue - kk
239 Jaguar 7.1.67 author of the issue - kk
243 Ararat no. 32 autumn 1967 - Mexico letters / ed M special fiction issue sticker 243.ararat.IMG_5238.jpg
244 Ararat no. 32 autumn 1967 - Mexico letters / ed M 244.ararat.IMG_5239.jpg
247 Ramparts Nov 1967 Vol. 6 No. 4 KK's Jail Notebook 247.ramparts.IMG_5233.jpg
248 Ramparts Nov 1967 Vol. 6 No. 4 KK's Jail Notebook 248.ramparts.IMG_5234.jpg
249 Ramparts Nov 1967 Vol. 6 No. 4 KK's Jail Notebook 249.ramparts.IMG_5235.jpg
250 So. Calif. Oracle Jan-68 wavy gravy on KK etc 250.socaloraclejan68.IMG_5736.jpg
251 Helix Seattle Vol 3 #7 1968 251.helix.IMG_5274.jpg
253 Dapper Oct. 1969 the remarkable Mr.. kesey 253.dapper.IMG_5225.jpg
254 Dapper Oct. 1969 the remarkable Mr.. kesey 254.dapper.IMG_5226.jpg
256 Berkeley Barb Nov 7-13, 1969 Review of OFOTCN play 256.berkbarb69.IMG_5265.jpg
259 London Magazine Dec. 1969 Edge City KK and Pranksters 259.londonmag.IMG_5082.jpg
260 London Magazine Dec. 1969 Edge City KK and Pranksters 260.londonmag.IMG_5083.jpg
262 The Free You Vol 4 No 2 Feb. 1970 Exercise in Creation-Mex Journal you.IMG_5243.jpg
263 OZ OZ 20 issue Hell's Angles in UK - KK 263.oz.20.IMG_5208.jpg
265 Good Times 2.5.70 folded 265.goodtimes70.IMG_5271.jpg
267 Good Times 5-Mar-70 pic of KK with T.Leary 267.goodtimes70.IMG_5270.jpg
268 Scanlans Vol.1No. 4 June 70 (pg 49-56 loose on one) Kesey Atlantis Rising 268.scanlans.IMG_5240.jpg
269 Scanlans Vol.1No. 4 June 70 hole in cover s of scanlans Kesey Atlantis Rising 269.scanlans.IMG_5241.jpg
270 Scanlans Vol.1No. 4 June 70 Kesey Atlantis Rising 270.scanlans.IMG_5242.jpg
273 National Lampoon Jan-72 supp to whole earth 273.natlampoon.IMG_5232.jpg
274 Craw daddy Dec-72 interview with KK 274.crawdaddy.IMG_5230.jpg
275 Craw daddy Dec-72 interview with KK 275.crawdaddy.IMG_5231.jpg
276 Craw daddy Dec-72 interview with KK 276.crawdaddy.IMG_5471.jpg
278 Oui April 1973 excerpt from Garage Sale tape damage cover and tape back 278.ouitape.IMG_4963.jpg
279 Oui April 1973 excerpt from Garage Sale vg 279.oui.IMG_4964.jpg
280 Oui April 1973 excerpt from Garage Sale vg 280.oui.IMG_4965.jpg
282 Berkley Barb Dec. 7-13, 1973 kesey and leary 282.berkbarb73.IMG_5263.jpg
283 The Bend in the River Reality issue no 4 Aug 1 1974 custom SPIT mailer address 283.bendriver.IMG_5061.jpg
284 Berkley Barb April 26-May 1, 1975 Friends of Leary KK and AG 284.berkbarb75.IMG_5268.jpg
285 Berkley Barb July 18-24,1975 Oregon Fair KK 285.berkbarb75.IMG_5264.jpg
286 City of San Francisco Magazine 12.23.75 Krassner Interv KK Northwestern Univ talk article
287 People 03.22.76 2 copies 287.people.IMG_5216.jpg
288 Film Comment Kesey - martyr complex ofotcn 288.filmcomment.IMG_4884.jpg
289 Illinois Entertainer 28307 289:illentertainer.IMG_5277.jpg
290 Boulder Monthly Nov-78 on being a writer 290.boulder.IMG_5219.jpg
291 Running magazine Sept Oct 80 summer of discontent 291.running.IMG_5220.jpg
292 Life Nov. 82 rubbing to cover? Alaska
293 Uncle Jam - 2 copies May June 84 CSULB speech 293.unclejam.IMG_5275.jpg
295 American Heritage KK on Vietnam 295.amheritage.IMG_5212.jpg
296 Utne Reader No 8 Feb/Mar 1985 Burying Jed 296.utnereader.IMG_5473.jpg
297 Pacific (Seattle Times) 09.14.86 demon box timeframe interview 297.pacific.IMG_5279.jpg
298 LA Style Jan-87 interview Kansas City 298.lastyle.IMG_5200.jpg
301 VISaVIS March 1989 United Airlines signed by KK 1995 301.visavis.signed.IMG_5227.jpg
302 VISaVIS March 1989 United Airlines unsigned 302.visavis.IMG_5228.jpg
303 VISaVIS March 1989 United Airlines unsigned 303.visavis.IMG_5229.jpg
304 Music News Issue 3 August 1992 Field Trip 304.musicnews92IMG_5139.jpg
305 Borderline Issue 3 Fall 89 interview Kansas City 305.borderline.IMG_5624.jpg
306 Unbroken Chain Jan 1990 vol 5 no 1 - Richmond Va caverns speech Feb 20, 1990 306.unbrokenchain.IMG_5472.jpg
307 Smart July Aug 1990 further inquiry
309 Music News Jun-94 309.musicnews.IMG_5060.jpg
310 Zone Vol 2 Issue 4 - 1993 interview - warriors
311 Bumbershoot 94 311.bumbershoot.IMG_5059.jpg
312 Eugene Weekly 6.9.94 welnick interview 312eugeneweekly.IMG_5138.jpg
313 Oregon Daily Emerald 7.23.94 Sea Lion - hivaids 313.emerald.IMG_4932.jpg
314 Poetry Flash 34759 Pic promoting Jan Kerouac benefit 314.poetryflash.IMG_5280.jpg
315 The New Yorker Dec. 22&29, 1997 Skid Row Santa 315.newyorker.IMG_5218.jpg
316 Coming Up From The Streets - The Big Issue 1998 KK article 316.bigissue.IMG_5205.jpg
317 Gadfly Aug-98 interview 317.gadfly.IMG_5206.jpg
318 The Guardian Weekend 8.8.98 once a prankster 318.guardianweekend.IMG_5201.jpg
319 Wire Issue 175 Sept. 98 Jukebox intvs. 319.wire.IMG_5214.jpg
320 Wire Issue 175 Sept. 98 Jukebox intvs. 320.wire.IMG_5215.jpg
321 MOJO Jun-99 interview during UK tour 321.mojo.IMG_5478.jpg
322 Good Weekend Oct. 16, 1999 Australian mag 322.goodweekend.IMG_5203.jpg
323 Detroit News 5/2/2001 pic with playbill!!! article on nyc play 323.detnews.IMG_5329.jpg
324 Detroit News 2-May-01 article on nyc play 324.detnews.IMG_5330.jpg
325 New Musical Express 31-Jul-99 325.NME.IMG_5199.jpg
326 The Realist No. 90 Impolite Interview w/KK signed blue marker 326.realistsigned.IMG_5071.jpg
327 Vanity Fair 3-Feb article mentions hells ang and kk 327.vanityfair.IMG_5324.jpg
328 The Realist No. 90 Impolite Interview w/KK unsigned 328.realist.IMG_5073.jpg
329 The Realist No. 90 Impolite Interview w/KK unsigned 329.realist.IMG_5074.jpg
330 The Realist No. 90 Impolite Interview w/KK unsigned 330.realist.IMG_5075.jpg
331 The Realist No. 90 Impolite Interview w/KK unsigned fox stains top edge 331.realist.IMG_5076.jpg
333 reprint of oracle cover - fu-return-the turning point from cohen hardcopy promo 14.5x11.5 white stock 333.oraclereprint.IMG_5627.jpg
334 oracle restrike multi color print 334.oraclereprint.IMG_5569.jpg
335 Marijuana Monthly Vol 2 No. 3 interview - cuckoos nest film mint 335.marijuanamonthly.IMG_5244.jpg
336 Marijuana Monthly Vol 2 No. 3 interview - cuckoos nest film moisture top edge - wrinkles 336.marijuanamonthly.IMG_5245.jpg
337 Marijuana Monthly Vol 2 No. 3 interview - cuckoos nest film spine tears 337.marijuanamonthly.IMG_5246.jpg
338 Beat Scene No 32 kk interview 338.beatscene32.IMG_5326.jpg
339 Beat Scene No. 45 summer 2004 interview with KK 339.beatscene45IMG_5209.jpg
340 Beat Scene no 40 2 articles 2 copies! 340.beatscene.40.IMG_5211.jpg
341 Beat Scene no 46 a little bit of magic kk on writing 341.beatscene46.IMG_5210.jpg
342 Newspaper clipping - ..Morning N…. 1.18.66 narcotics bust 342.bustedclipping.IMG_4805.jpg
343 Billboard Ad for JA Who Has Seen The Saucers kk lamp 343.saucersbillboardad.IMG_5444.jpg
345 SF Examiner 5.25.97 article on MG 345.sfexaminer.IMG_5307.jpg
346 Oregon - Magazine of the UofO Kesey,Collected 346.oregonmag..jpg
350 Can You Pass The Acid Test - Paul Foster orig poster- off white stock framed-signed by allen ginsberg 350.ATfoster.IMG_5686.jpg
351 Can You Pass The Acid Test- Art of Rock reprint - colorized signed kk 22.5x17.5 wrinkles and ink missing center 351.artofrockatsigned.IMG_5602.jpg
352 Can You Pass The Acid Test - Paul Foster 11x17 yellow stock poster original flyer/mini poster 352.ATsmallyellow.IMG_5625.jpg
353 Can You Pass The Acid Test 15.5x12 white stock copy print 353.canyoupasscopy.IMG_5572.jpg
354 Trips Festival Program 354.tripsfestprog.IMG_4812.jpg
356 Trips Festival Handbill NEED PIC mint 356.trips fest mint.IMG_4843.jpg
357 Trips Festival Handbill 2 tack holes top corners 357.tripfestflyer.IMG_4844.jpg
358 Portland Trips festival flyer - reprint signed by bob masse 5x7.5 358.portlandtripsfest.IMG_5570.jpg
359 Whatever It Is San Francisco State College 1966 flyer sealed on foam core 359.whatever.sealed.IMG_4810.jpg
360 Whatever It Is San Francisco State College 1966 flyer 360.whateverflyer.IMG_4811.jpg
362 Whatever It Is San Francisco State College 1966 22x14 poster 362.whateverpostr.IMG_5646.jpg
363 Acid Test Graduation poster artist - gut - pin holes all corners - staple holes top center 12.5x20 363.ATGrad.IMG_5648.jpg
365 Hells Angles/Big Bro./Pranksters Sokol Hall 66 11.12.66 14x20 tiny tape on top corners on back 365.bigbroangelsIMG_5640.jpg
366 Flyer for sunshine daydream/Springfield creamery stage plan written on back - words by kk 366.creameryflyer.IMG_4841.jpg
367 Springfield Creamery Poster 72 goldenrod stock black ink 17x11 367.creamery72.IMG_5588.jpg
369 Springfield Creamery Poster 08.28.82 25x18 botrtcorner 4," 3 and 2 in tears left wrinkles etc""" fair 369.spring82.IMG_5581.jpg
370 Springfield Creamery Poster 08.28.82 rubbing wrinkling right side, stain, left corner wrinkled good + 370.creamery82.IMG_5589.jpg
372 Dead Kesey WI show 04.26.70 17x11 372.wiscon.IMG_5582.jpg
373 Dead Kesey WI show 04.26.70 17x11 373.wisconsin.IMG_5596.jpg
376 Soundstorm Rock Revival Program 04.24,25,26.1970 11x8.5 four pages Golden Freak Enterprises 376.soundstormprogramIMG_5628.jpg
377 Indiana State Univ. Speech Poster 11/10/1994 yellow stock 21.25x13.5 signed by kk in sliver marker 377.indianasigned.IMG_5626.jpg
378 Indiana State Univ. Speech Poster 11.10.94 pink 21.25x13.5 unsigned 378.indianauniv.IMG_5571.jpg
379 Ken Kesey and the Pranksters Hilton New Years Eve 8x10 b&w flyer 379.nyevehilton.IMG_5143.jpg
381 Still Kesey Poster W/Thunder Machine - Demon Box reading 24x15 signed silver marker 381.stillkeseysigned.IMG_5620.jpg
384 Sea Lion flyer 07.25.92 Agate Hall UofO hivaids orange paper stock 384.sealionflyeraids.IMG_4931.jpg
385 SUCB appearance flyer 4-22-?? 13x9 blue stock 385.sucbflyer.IMG_5614.jpg
386 SUCB appearance poster 3 pieces tape top and bottom center top tear w/tape - discoloration 17.5x22 thick stock poster 386.sucbposter.IMG_5616.jpg
387 Further Poster orig. bus of kk and mp 24x17.5 387.further.IMG_5583.jpg
389 Further 2 poster 9x13 kk on top with staff 389.further2poster.IMG_5042.jpg
390 1964/1965 NY World Fair 390.worldsfair.IMG_5727.jpg
391 King Mob acid test vol. 1 5x8 color flyer 391.acidtestcdflyer.IMG_5159.jpg
392 Can You Pass The Acid Test Reprint # 161 Signed KK 25x19 card stock 392.atreprintsigned.IMG_5599.jpg
393 Rock and Roll PigNic Poster Sept 2 1995 17x11 pink stock 393.pignic.IMG_5632.jpg
394 Little Trickers Gala program 394.trickerprogram.IMG_5183.jpg
395 Little tricker Poster Eugene Ballet presents signed kk(I'm hongreeee!) & art maddox (music) wrinkles left side etc 24.5x18 glossy stock 395.trickersignedballet.IMG_0029.JPG
396 Rock and Roll PigNic Poster Sept 2 1995 17x11 pink stock 396.pignic.IMG_5642.jpg
397 Little Tricker Poster unsigned 24x18 viking 397.trickerposter.IMG_5597.jpg
398 Little Tricker Poster unsigned 24x18 398.tricker.IMG_5618.jpg
399 Little Tricker Poster unsigned 24x18 399.tricker.IMG_5619.jpg
400 Still Kesey with Thunder Machine Band 8.5x5.5 folded green stock press quotes 400.stillkeseyprogrampress.IMG_5184.jpg
401 Hogs Are Coming poster 9x14 signed 401.hogssigned.IMG_5574.jpg
402 Time Room flyer 8.5x11 signed green 402.403.timeroomflyerssig.IMG_5573.jpg
403 Time Room flyer unsigned red
404 Spit In The Ocean Poster - A Deal 11x14 signed tear top.75/tape reside back corn. a copy - scratch in ink cover 404.adealsigned.IMG_5056.jpg
405 Spit In The Ocean Poster - A Deal 11x17 signed 2 sided b copy 405.spitdealsigned.IMG_5577.jpg
406 Hoohaw poster 14x22 signed green marker 406.poeticsignedIMG_5578.jpg
407 A Poetic Hoohaw - 1977 - ITSART PRESENTS 11x11 1\closed tear bottom/corner tack holes"" stain left top corner 407.itsartpoetichoohaw.IMG_5057.jpg
409 Still Kesey Poster Reading from Demon Box with TM 15x24.5 foxing stains bottom left 409.still.IMG_5579.jpg
410 Still Kesey Poster Reading from Demon Box with TM 15x24 signed 410.stillsigned.IMG_5580.jpg
411 Still Kesey After All These Years Penguin 10x13 yellow with target graphic tape all four edges center 411.stillkesey.IMG_5148.jpg
412 Program - Still Kesey! Town Hall NYC Demon Box and Thundermachine 9-4-86 with ticket stub 412.stillkeseyprogtix.IMG_4928.jpg
413 Poster - 7.5x12.5 w/Seidemann Demon Box Reading Town Hall NYC Aug 14 signed by KK 413.townhallaug.IMG_4930.jpg
414 Poetic Hoohaw tickets - 2 414.poetictix.IMG_5564.jpg
415 Program - Still Kesey! Town Hall NYC Demon Box and Thundermachine 9-4-86 415.stillkeseyprog.IMG_4929.jpg
416 Wavy Gravy 50th B-Day Poster - 1986 signed by WG, Kelly, Ruby Lee 34x22.5 KK guest 416.wavybday.IMG_5600.jpg
417 Vince Welnick/Merry Pranksters flyer pink version 417.welnickflyer.IMG_5171.jpg
418 Vince Welnick/Merry Pranksters flyer green version 418.welnickflyer.IMG_5172.jpg
419 Wavy Gravy 50th Bday Flyer lt blue 8.5x11 419.wavy50thflyer.IMG_5641.jpg
420 Intrepid Trips flyer 4x5 go further into the abyss with kk/mp green stock 420.intrepidflyer.IMG_5173.jpg
421 Tie-Died flyer 4 color 4x6 421.tiedyed.IMG_5158.jpg
422 2001 Hemp Festival flyer signed by kk 422.signedhempfest.IMG_5149.jpg
423 Jambay - Maritime Hall 8x10 flyer/poster and ticket 13-Sep 423.jambayflyer.ticket.IMG_5140.jpg
424 Jambay - Maritime Hall poster 17x11.5 13-Sep 424.jambaymaritime.IMG_5635.jpg
426 Jambay - Maritime Hall blue flyer designed by are we really Sept. 13 426.jambaymaritime.IMG_5475.jpg
427 Summer of Love - 30 AnnivCelebration poster - Gary Grimshaw kk and prankster 19x13 1997 427.sumlovegrimshaw.IMG_5601.jpg
428 3rd Annual Santa Cruz Poetry Festival Nov. 20 & 21, 1975 signed by artist D. Marks 428.santacruzpoetry.IMG_5720.jpg
429 On The Road - The Jack Kerouac Conference KK and KB signed by allen ginsberg 429.kerouac conf AG signed.IMG_5311.jpg
430 Enit Festival Program/backstage access 11.22.97 430.431.enitfest.IMG_5691.jpg
431 Enit Festival Program/backstage access 11.22.97
433 promo flyer - Jan kerouac benefit kk and kb unaddressed 433.janbenefit.IMG_5079.jpg
434 promo flyer - Jan kerouac benefit kk and kb unaddressed 434.janbene.IMG_5080.jpg
435 promo flyer - Jan kerouac benefit kk and kb unaddressed 435.janbene.IMG_5081.jpg
437 Promo flyer for Sunshine Daydream with 8mm film clip 2 pages (info/8mm) BLT presents 437.sundaydreamflyer.IMG_5154.jpg
438 KK and the Merry Pranksters Where's Merlin Tour UK flyer card signed by Babbs 438.merlinflyersignedbabbs.IMG_5437.jpg
439 Author Ken Kesey 17x11 On Campus Thurs 1:30 LLC 57 pin holes wrinkles folded poor cond 439.authorkk.IMG_5637.jpg
440 Sometimes a geek cave bear Evening with heab ayek, katherine dunn and kk 14x11 beige stock benefit for old town reading room 440.geekbear.IMG_5612.jpg
441 Twister The Fillmore signed kk, kb, arzinia, phil, simon 19x13 441.twisterfillmore.IMG_5598.jpg
442 Maude Kerns Art Center KK Arts & Artifacts 22-May-04 postcard invite 442.inviteartifacts.IMG_5417.jpg
443 Broadside Sailor Song minor crease 443.sailorsongbroadside.IMG_5003.jpg
444 Broadside Sailor Song 444.sailorsongbroadside.IMG_5004.jpg
445 sometimes a geek cave bear Evening with heab ayek, katherine dunn and kk 14x11 beige stock wrinkled 445.geekbearwrinkled.IMG_5615.jpg
446 Broadside cornstarch on my balls 8x10 446.cornstarchbroadside.IMG_4807.jpg
447 Broadside cornstarch on my balls 8x11 447.cornstarch.IMG_5145.jpg
449 KK paper doll 2 sheets from convention of paper dolls 449.paperdollkk.IMG_5771.jpg
450 The Acid test of Democracy NAACP flyer 450.acidtestdemoc.IMG_5282.jpg
451 Dance of Death - tape tears etc good + cond full fold across bottom 1/4 451.dancedeathposter.IMG_5770.jpg..jpg
454 Twister Coming Around Poster- refab poetic hoohaw 22x14 twister elements added 454.poetic refab.jpg
455 Twister Press clipping collection KZProd. Zerox 455.twisterpressclip.IMG_5062.jpg
456 Twister 4.5x7 trimmed full \logo"""" 456.twisterfull logo..jpg
457 Twister 5.5x5.5 word logo on card stock 457.twistercardstk.IMG_5069.jpg
458 Twister Signed Script kk gold 458.twisterscriptsignedgold.IMG.5064.jpg
459 Twister Signed Script kk silverish 459.twisterscriptsigned.IMG_5063.jpg
463 Twister - Flyer - uses socal oracle cover as art San Francisco May 26-27 8x14 purple stock 463.twistoracle.IMG_5611.jpg
464 Twister - Coming Around 8x14 b&w white border paper poster 464.twistca.IMG_5633.jpg
467 Twister - Coming Around - black card stock with black bleed signed KK black marker 15x10 467.tsistca.signed.IMG_5609.jpg
468 Twister - Coming Around Tribue to Chet Helms 11x19 468.chethelmsIMG_5621.jpg
469 Twister - Coming Around Tribue to Chet Helms 11x19 creases - 2 469.chethelms.IMG_5622.jpg
470 Twister - color zerox montage from play 8.5x11 unsigned 470.474.475.481.IMG_5610.jpg
471 Twister Program - A Ritual Reality 5.5x8.5 folded b&w folded again 471.twisterprogram.IMG_5065.jpg
472 Twister - Fillmore Flyer Red version F140A 472.twistfill.IMG_5644.jpg
473 Twister Coming Around Poster - white border 8.5x14 signed kk in green marker 473.twistca.signkk.IMG_5608.jpg
474 Twister Montage of KK 8.5x11 signed 6 picks of kk
475 Twister Montage of KK 8.5x11 unsigned 6 picks of kk
476 Twister flyer EMU Ballroom 4x5 foster or kesey map on back 476.twiserflyersmall.IMG_5066.jpg
477 TWISTER FLYER 5x8 U of O June 19 477.twisterflyer.IMG_5067.jpg
480 Twister Coming around poster - white border signed GW,KB,A,ZK,SB,MH,G.Fetchin 14x8.5 480.twistca.sig ed.IMG_5607.jpg
481 VHS case art Twister 8x10 signed
482 Twister logo/business card 2.25x3.75 482.483.484.twistercard.IMG_5169.jpg
483 Twister logo/business card 2.25x3.75
484 Twister logo/business card 2.25x3.75
485 Twister - The Fillmore unsigned May 26/27, 1994 19x13 485.twistfill.IMG_5606.jpg
486 Twister - Fillmore Flyer Yellow Version 8.4x14 F140A 486.twistflyer.IMG_5631.jpg
487 Twister - Fillmore Flyer Red version F140A 487.twistfill.IMG_5629.jpg
488 Twister - Fillmore Flyer Green Version F140A 488.filltwist.IMG_5630.jpg
489 Bill Graham Presents - The Fillmore - Twister (and list of other acts) 19x13 1994 489.billgraham.fillmore.IMG_5603.jpg
490 Twister at the Fillmore - May 26,27, 1994 signed babbs, kesey, arzinia, phil, simon 490.twistfillmore.IMG_5604.jpg
491 Signed ticket stub EMU cultural forum 19-Jun-94 491.twisterticketstub.IMG_5070.jpg
492 Twister - Fillmore Flyer Green Version F140A 492.tsistfillflyer.IMG_5643.jpg
494 Poster of Last Round Up photo of cowboy 17x11 wrinkle from finger at top edge 494.lastposter.IMG_5636.jpg
495 Last Go Round Poster 11x16.5 signed KESEY blue plus 495.lastroundsigned.IMG_5575.jpg
498 Playbill - ofotcn signed vol 1 Jan. 64 no. 1 498.playbillkk.IMG_4888.jpg
499 Playbill - ofotcn Inscribed to Kirk Douglas crease on cover and fingerprints 499.playbillKKkirkd.IMG_4889.jpg
500 Playbill - ofotcn with newspaper clippings from stg mgr from show!! 500.ofotcnplaybill.IMG_5464.jpg
501 Ad for ofotcn cut out of mag or newspaper 501.cuckooad.IMG_5699.jpg
503 SGN
504 Sometimes A Great Notion Lobby cards full set FINE cond 1 504.sgnlobbysetkk.IMG_5700.jpg
505 Sometimes A Great Notion 2
506 Sometimes A Great Notion 3
507 Sometimes A Great Notion 4
508 Sometimes A Great Notion Signed KK \Hey…I think we wounded Ken Kesey"""" 5
509 Sometimes A Great Notion 6
510 Sometimes A Great Notion 7
511 Sometimes A Great Notion 8
513 Sometimes A Great Notion - Lobby Card Set 1 thru 8 vg to good condition holes corners folded etc 513.sgnlobbyset.IMG_5701.jpg
520 Sometimes A Great Notion Lobby cards #3 Newman cutting 71/378 520.sgn3.IMG_5702.jpg
521 Sometimes A Great Notion 3 Newman cutting 521.sgn3.IMG_5703.jpg
522 Sometimes A Great Notion 4 Fonda broken arm 522.sgn4.IMG_5704.jpg
528 Sometimes A Great Notion 1 sheet 528.sgn1sh.IMG_5697.jpg
529 Sometimes A Great Notion 1 sheet 529.sgn1sh.IMG_5696.jpg
530 Sometimes A Great Notion 1 sheet 530.sgn1sh.IMG_5693.jpg
531 Sometimes A Great Notion #6 window card 8x10 newman on motorcycle 531.IMG_5737.jpg
532 Sometimes A Great Notion 3 sheet style A poster 532.533.sgn3sh1sh.IMG_5694.jpg
534 Sometimes A Great Notion window poster 28x22 card stock 534.sgnwindow.IMG_5593.jpg
535 Sometimes A Great Notion 1 sheet 535.sgn1sh.IMG_5695.jpg
536 Clipping of Ad from NY Times Book Review SGN 536.sgnad.IMG_5698.jpg
539 High Pride / Grandfurthur Tour Business card KK 539.gfathertour.kk.IMG_5192.jpg
540 High Pride / Grandfurthur Tour Business card KK 540.gfatherkk.IMG_5193.jpg
544 High Pride / Grandfurthur Tour Business card Carolyn Garcia 544.gfathermg.IMG_5195.jpg
545 On The Road (Grandfurthur Tour) 272/1000 17x11 signed Sunshine,babbs,simon,gretchin,,swan,hagen 272/1000 545.grandfurther.IMG_5590.jpg
547 High Pride - Grandfurthur Tour bus.card steve schuster-saxman 547.schustercard.IMG_5179.jpg
548 High Pride - Grandfurthur Tour bus.card zane kesey 548.zanecardIMG_5180.jpg
549 High Pride - Grandfurthur Tour bus.card zane kesey 549.zanecard.IMG_5181.jpg
550 I Want To Take You Higher flyer signed by donovan, kk, big brother, c joe etc 550.takehighersignatures.IMG_5497.jpg
551 Smithsonian or Bust Bus Banner 551.smithsonian.IMG_5732.jpg
555 Where's Merlin Tour Poster signed by ZK,KB,PD,Sb 13x9 555.merlinsigned.IMG_5587.jpg
557 Wheres Merlin flyer Limelight Belfast 4x5 557.merlinbelfastflyer.IMG_5160.jpg
558 Ad - Levi's Edinburgh Fest - from NME Aug 1999 KK - Merlin 14.5x11 558.merlinlevis.IMG_5623.jpg
560 Where's Merlin Tour Poster signed zane, simon, george 17x11 560.merlinuk.IMG_5591.jpg
561 Where’s Merlin Tour King Mob flyer 5x8 561.merlin.kingmob.IMG_5157.jpg
563 Summer of Love packet Ch 4 UK 3x4.25 563.ch4pkt.IMG_5167.jpg
564 Summer of Love packet Ch 4 UK 2x3.25 564.ch4pkt.IMG_5168.jpg
565 Intrepid Trips Business card color 99 UK tour edition 6 cards 565.intreptripsUK.IMG_5196.jpg
581 MISC.
582 Rotting 64 bus 2 up b&w 8x10 582.bus2up.IMG_5645.jpg
583 Sailor Song Postcard promo LOUD - loyal order of the underdogs 583.sailsongpromo.IMG_5175.jpg
584 Bakatcha! Postcard promo KeyZ Prod return sticker and TO: written in ink 584.bakatcha.IMG_5176.jpg
585 Ban The Bullet 2 up Avery stick on 8x10 585.banbullet2up.IMG_5147.jpg
586 Ban The Bullet sticker with gold cartridge 2 copies 586.banbullet.IMG_5565.jpg
587 Autographed book plate/lady logo Hm-it looks like I'm standing on a headless owl
588 Further On..The Calendar 1992 signed by KK & KB mint 588.calendarkkkb.IMG_5044.jpg
589 Further On..The Calendar 1992 signed by KK & KB stain on back cover (thru) 589.calendarkkkb.IMG_5045.jpg
590 Further On..The Calendar 1992 signed kk only 590.calendarkk.IMG_5308.jpg
591 Further On..The Calendar 1992 with writing signed kk only 591.calendar.writing.IMG_5309.jpg
592 Further On..The Calendar 1992 with writing signed kk only rubbed cover 592.calendarwriting.IMG_5310.jpg
593 Acid Test for Trucks ad cut from magazine for trucks.IMG_5189.jpg
596 Famous Dope Fiends Trading Cards 1993 KK,Nicholson,Ginsberg,Burrroughs,HST neal cassady 596.dopefeinds.IMG_5152.jpg
597 Great Bus Race Postcard - fotofolio Bus by Lisa Law 69 597.lisalawpostcard.IMG_5150.jpg
598 Glass Art Show flyer Sunshine Kesey 598.glassart.IMG_5177.jpg
599 Zane Kesey biz card blotter acid stock format 599.zanecardblotter.IMG_5191.jpg
600 Zane and Stephanie Kesey - KeyZ Prod reddish stock 600.zanestephcard.IMG_5190.jpg
602 Key-Z Productions 1998 Catalog 602.kzcatalog98IMG_5141.jpg
603 Key-Z Productions 1999 Catalog 603.kzcatalog99.IMG_5142.jpg
604 Key-Z Productions 4x4 card 604.kzprod.IMG_5163.jpg
605 Key-Z Productions 4x4 card 605.kzprod.IMG_5164.jpg
606 Key-Z Productions biz card multicolor 606.keyzcardwnote.IMG_4822.jpg
607 Flyer on Mystyk Twynkler red stock 607.mystyktwink.IMG_5144.jpg
609 Key-Z productions 4x4 card 609.kzprod.IMG_5166.jpg
610 Key-Z prod business card word montage front 610.kprodcard.IMG_5174.jpg
612 Whole Earth Spring 2002 kkobit and Bury.Jed 612.wholeearth.IMG_5322.jpg
613 Whole Earth Spring 2002 kkobit and Bury.Jed 613.wholeearth.IMG_5323.jpg
617 The Oregonian Nov. 15, 2001 an accessible legend - 2 copies 617.oregonian.IMG_5331.jpg
618 New York Times 11-Nov-01 obit 618.nytimes..jpg
619 SGN bookmarks - 2 Reading in the Rain 2002 619.bookmarkssgn.IMG_4894.jpg
622 Relix mar/mar 2002 kk last interview 622.relix.IMG_5320.jpg
623 Relix mar/mar 2002 kk last interview 623.relix.IMG_5321.jpg
629 The Register-Guard 11.13.03 statue article 629.regguard.IMG_5334.jpg
630 The Register-Guard 11.13.03 statue article 630.IMG_5.regguard.335.jpg
632 Eugene Weekly 11.13.03 Hail Kesey 632.eugweekly.IMG_5333.jpg
635 The Register-Guard 11.15.03 Statue revealed 635.regguard.IMG_5327.jpg
636 The Register-Guard 11.15.03 Statue revealed 636.regguard.IMG_5328.jpg
638 Playbill - ofotcn robinson theater 11.15.03 w/ticket stub 638.ofotcnplaybill03.IMG_4891.jpg
639 Smithsonian 4-Jun tear at spine 639.smithsonian.IMG_5319.jpg
640 Poster - signed Dennis Loren 17x11 Celebration in Memory of KK - 12.05.01 Koret Aud SF CA 640.dennisloren.IMG_5592.jpg
644 Ken Lopez Bookseller catalog 142 cover art for DB by clay wilson with kk notes related/see photo #19 644.lopezcover.IMG_4933.jpg
645 Heritage (Mag of Colorado Hist Soc) La Junta / Kesey 645.heritage.IMG_5316.jpg
646 Heritage (Mag of Colorado Hist Soc) La Junta / Kesey 646.heritage.IMG_5317.jpg
647 Heritage (Mag of Colorado Hist Soc) La Junta / Kesey 647.heritage.IMG_5318.jpg
651 Stanford Short Stories 1962 Stanford univ. Press price clipped dj scuff on ST in Stanford cover W.Stegner 651.stanfordSS.IMG_5479.jpg
654 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Viking 1st ed. Creases/wrinkles on DJ plain sticker over price 654.cuck1st.IMG_4873.jpg
655 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Viking Compass Ed. 25 print. marker in fep 655.cuck25prt.IMG_4869.jpg
656 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Methuen 1965 - marker over pub date by pub!!! signed by KK 656.cuckuk.IMG_4872.jpg
657 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Swedish Norstedts 97 657.IMG_5739.jpg
658 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Easton artwork and signed certif of auth. 658.cuckeatonsigned.IMG_4875.jpg
659 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Viking 40th Anniv Ed 659.cuck40th.IMG_4871.jpg
661 Sometimes A Great Notion Viking 1st ed. Book VG facsimilie DJ 661.sgn.istfacsim.IMG_4877.jpg
662 Sometimes A Great Notion Viking 1st ed. Near fine minor creases to bot edge of dj 662.sgn.IMG_4879.jpg
663 Sometimes A Great Notion Viking 1st ed. Near fine small mark on fep 663.sgn.IMG_4878.jpg
664 Sometimes A Great Notion Viking 1st ed. review copy 664.sgn.1streview.IMG_4876.jpg
665 Sometimes A Great Notion Viking 1st ed. 1\ torn off top of DJ spine"" 665.sgn.IMG_4880.jpg
666 Sometimes A Great Notion Viking 1st ed. signed pen 1992 666.sgn1stsigned.IMG_4874.jpg
668 Sometimes A Great Notion - Dipped Viking Mirror Lake Pub Lib St. Petersburg Fla stained, binding loose - signed kk 668.sgndipped.IMG_5363.jpg
669 Garage Sale Viking b&w photo/letter/adv read slip Adv Copy with press kit 669.garageadvreading.IMG_4954.jpg
670 Garage Sale Viking dipped - signed by kk 670.garagedipped.IMG_5362.jpg
671 Garage Sale Viking no DJ 671.garagenodj.IMG_4967.jpg
673 Garage Sale Viking vg .74\ closed tear back top"" 673.garage.IMG_4969.jpg
674 Garage Sale Viking signed Zane Kesey - Chicken Leopard tape on ft and back top tears 674.garagetape.IMG_4970.jpg
675 Garage Sale Viking tears top of dj 675.garagetears.IMG_4971.jpg
678 Garage Sale Viking price clipped signed KK 1990 reddish ink 678.garagesigned.IMG_4958.jpg
679 Garage Sale Viking price clipped signed KK blue marker 679.garagesigned.IMG_4962.jpg
680 Garage Sale Viking .5 tear in dj at top spine - top edge stain signed KKbig angular multi brown 680.garagesigned.IMG_4959.jpg
682 Garage Sale Viking .5 closed tear top edge of dj cover signed KK 1990 reddish crayon 682.garagesigned.IMG_4961.jpg
683 Garage Sale Viking .5 closed tear top edge of dj cover signed kk pen 683.garagesigned pen.IMG_4966.jpg
685 Demon Box Viking dipped - signed by kk blue yellow 685.demondipped.IMG_5364.jpg
688 Demon Box Viking fine signed by KK raised mcolorink 688.demonsignedraised.IMG_4949.jpg
689 Demon Box Viking fine signed by KK gold with stamp 689.demonsignedgoldstamp.IMG_4950.jpg
690 Demon Box Viking fine signed KK ink 690.demonboxsigned.IMG_5488.jpg
692 Demon Box Viking fine broad art 692.demonfinebroadart.IMG_4951.jpg
693 Demon Box Viking some nicks to dj VG 693.demonvg.IMG_4952.jpg
696 Demon Box Viking dip painted signed by kk pen 696.demondipped.IMG_5365.jpg
700 The Further Inquiry Viking
701 The Further Inquiry Viking
702 The Further Inquiry Viking
703 The Further Inquiry Viking
704 The Further Inquiry Viking
708 The Further Inquiry Viking KK angular markers Remainder signed
709 The Further Inquiry Viking unique signed on title page - markers Remainder signed KK
711 The Further Inquiry Viking remainder mark
712 The Further Inquiry Viking remainder mark
714 The Further Inquiry Viking KK raised multic signed by KK
715 The Further Inquiry Viking KK blue with tornado signed by KK
716 The Further Inquiry Viking KK raised green signed by KK
717 The Further Inquiry Viking KK raised gold signed by KK
718 The Further Inquiry Viking KK filled in speckled fat letters signed by KK
719 The Further Inquiry Viking KK red marker with cloud stamp signed by KK
720 The Further Inquiry Viking KK red and gold raised signed by KK
721 The Further Inquiry Viking KK raised multic signed by KK
722 The Further Inquiry Viking multi color marker/tornado KK in orange over twister 722.fisigned.IMG_5494.jpg
723 The Further Inquiry Viking - green metallic raised signed KK 723.fisigned.IMG_5493.jpg
731 Sailor Song Viking fine 731.sailsong.fine.IMG_5031.jpg
733 Sailor Song Viking signed KK flores. markers 733.sailsongsigned.IMG_5017.jpg
734 Sailor Song Viking signed KK stamp 92 734.sailsongsigned.IMG_5018.jpg
735 Sailor Song Viking signed KK \erection stamp"""" 735.sailsongsigned.IMG_5019.jpg
736 Sailor Song Viking signed KK 1992 gold 736.sailsongsigned.IMG_5032.jpg
737 Sailor Song Viking signed KK 1992 silver 737.sailsongsigned.IMG_5033.jpg
738 Sailor Song Viking signed KK flores. Orange 738.sailsongsigned.IMG_5034.jpg
739 Sailor Song Viking price clipped signed KK pen 739.sailsongsigned.IMG_5035.jpg
740 Sailor Song Viking signed KK pen 740.sailsongsign.IMG_5036.jpg
741 Sailor Song Viking signed KK 1992 silver 741.sailsongsign.IMG_5037.jpg
742 Sailor Song Viking price clipped signed KK 1992 multicolor 742.sailsongsign.IMG_5038.jpg
743 Sailor Song Viking signed KK 1992 silver 743.sailsongsign.IMG_5039.jpg
744 Sailor Song Viking signed KK 1992 gold
745 Sailor Song Viking signed KK raised purple silver
746 Sailor Song Viking signed KK 1992 rust marker 746.sailorsongsigned.IMG_5487.jpg
747 Sailor Song Viking signed copy sticker on front signed KK orange 1992 747.sailorsongsigned.IMG_5486.jpg
751 Sailor Song Viking University Bookstore Seattle bookplate signed on bookplate 751.sailsongbookplate.IMG_5020.jpg
752 Sailor Song Viking signed on Viking bookplate. 752.sailsong.signedbookplateviking.IMG_5030.jpg
754 Sailor Song Viking Present. copy signed KK # 108 754.sailsong108.IMG_5027.jpg
756 Little Tricker Meets Big Double the Bear Viking signed by KK 756.LT.signed.IMG_4939.jpg
757 Little Tricker Meets Big Double the Bear Viking Signed by Moser 757.LT.signmoseronly.IMG_4940.jpg
758 Little Tricker Meets Big Double the Bear Viking Signed review copy 758.LT.signreview.IMG_4938.jpg
760 Little Tricker Meets Big Double the Bear Viking fine 760.LT.IMG_4937.jpg
761 Little Tricker Meets Big Double the Bear Viking brodart fine 761.LT..IMG_4935.jpg
762 Little Tricker Meets Big Double the Bear Viking brodart fine 762.LT.IMG_4936.jpg
765 The Sea Lion Viking signed by KK 1992 gold brodart 765.sealionsignedIMG_4941.jpg
766 The Sea Lion Viking signed by KK 1992 in gold 766.sealionsigned.IMG_4942.jpg
770 The Sea Lion Viking first ed fine 770.sealionhb.IMG_4945.jpg
771 The Sea Lion Viking first ed fine 771.sealionhb.IMG_4946.jpg
772 The Sea Lion Viking first ed fine 772.sealionhb.IMG_4947.jpg
773 The Sea Lion Viking first ed fine 773.sealionhb.IMG_4948.jpg
777 Last Go Round First ed 777.lastgofirst.IMG_5743.jpg
778 Last Go Round First ed 778.goroundfirst.IMG_5744.jpg
781 Last Go Round Viking flat signed KK only #164/200 781.lastgo.kksignedno164.IMG_4997.jpg
782 Last Go Round Viking signed by KK 782.lastgokk.IMG_4998.jpg
783 Last Go Round Viking signed by KK 783.lastgo.kk.IMG_4999.jpg
784 Last Go Round Viking signed by KK 784.lastgo.kk.IMG_5000.jpg
785 Last Go Round Viking signed by KK 785.lastgo.kk.IMG_5001.jpg
786 Last Go Round Viking signed by KK 786.lastgo.kk.IMG_5002.jpg
789 Last Go Round Viking signed by KK and KB 789.lstgo.kkkbsig.IMG_4993.jpg
790 Last Go Round Viking signed by KK and KB 790.lastgo.kkkbsig.IMG_4994.jpg
791 Last Go Round Viking signed by KK and KB 791.lastgo.kkkbsig.IMG_4995.jpg
792 Last Go Round Viking - signed copy sticker on cover signed by KK and KB 792.lastgosigned.IMG_5480.jpg
796 Last Go Round Viking review copy w/letter 796.lastgorev.IMG_4985.jpg
797 Last Go Round Viking review copy w/letter 797.lastgorev.IMG_4986.jpg
799 Last Go Round Viking dipped - signed by kk 799.lastgodipped.IMG_5361.jpg
801 The Day After Superman Died John Lord Press 1980 # 54/300 sign. by KK 801.daysuper54.IMG_5095.jpg
802 The Day After Superman Died John Lord Press 1981 55/300 sign KK 802.daysuper55.IMG_5096.jpg
803 The Day After Superman Died John Lord Press 1982 164/300 sign KK 803.daysuper164.IMG_5097.jpg
804 The Day After Superman Died John Lord Press 1983 294/300 sign KK 804.dysuper.294.IMG_5098.jpg
807 The Day After Superman Died Special blue binding #32/50 sign.byKK 807.daysuper32.50.IMG_5089.jpg
810 The Day After Superman Died Special blue binding unnumbered w/special notation 810.daysuper.notation.IMG_5090.jpg
812 The Day After Superman Died John Lord Press 1980 KK signed presentation copy 812.daysuper.IMG_5091.jpg
813 The Day After Superman Died John Lord Press 1980 KK signed presentation copy 813.daysuper.IMG_5092.jpg
814 The Day After Superman Died John Lord Press 1980 KK signed presentation copy 814.daysuper.IMG_5093.jpg
816 Kesey NW Review Books 1st ed 1977 816.keseyhard.IMG_4896.jpg
821 Jail Journal Viking 2003 1st printing 1st ed review copy w/letter 821.jail advance.IMG_5408.jpg
823 Jail Journal Viking 2003 1st printing 1st ed 823.jailHB. 5. IMG_5722.jpg
824 Jail Journal Viking 2003 1st printing 1st ed
825 Jail Journal Viking 2003 1st printing 1st ed
826 Jail Journal Viking 2003 1st printing 1st ed
827 Jail Journal Viking 2003 1st printing 1st ed
834 Ken Kesey - Barry Leeds Frederick Unger Publishing 1981 ex library copy w/dust jacket 834.kk.leeds.IMG_5490.jpg
835 Ken Kesey - Stephen Tanner Twayne - 1983 ex library copy 835.kk.tanner.IMG_5491.jpg
846 The Further Inquiry Viking
850 Sailor Song Adv. Uncorrected Proof KK signed gold marker 850.sailsongproofsignedIMG_5012.jpg
851 Sailor Song Adv. Uncorrected Proof KK signed - multicolor and totem 851.sailsongproofsigned.IMG_5013.jpg
853 Sailor Song Adv. Uncorrected Proof 853.sailsongproof.IMG_5014.jpg
854 Sailor Song Adv. Uncorrected Proof 854.sailsongproof.IMG_5015.jpg
855 Sailor Song Adv. Uncorrected Proof 855.sailsongproof.jpg
857 Caverns Adv. Uncorrected Proof signed by KK & OUL 857.cavernsadvuncorr.signed.IMG_4987.jpg
859 Caverns Adv. Uncorrected Proof ink mark on cover 859.cavernsadvuncorr.IMG_4988.jpg
861 Caverns scratch on cover - thru V Signed KK with highlights pgxxi 861.caverns.signed.IMG_4989.jpg
862 Caverns Signed KK 862.caversns.signedIMG_4990.jpg
863 Caverns Signed KK 863.caverns.signed.IMG_4991.jpg
864 Caverns Signed KK 864.caverns.signed.IMG_4992.jpg
867 Spit In The Ocean #1 signed blue marker cover 2nd printing 867.spit1signed.IMG_5110.jpg
868 Spit In The Ocean #1 signed aqua cover 2nd printing 868.spit1signed.IMG_5111.jpg
869 Spit In The Ocean #1 signed red/green cover 2nd printing 869.spit1signed.IMG_5116.jpg
870 Spit In The Ocean #1 signed gold title page 2nd printing 870.spitsigned.IMG_5113.jpg
872 Spit In The Ocean #2 first 872.spit2.IMG_5114.jpg
874 Spit In The Ocean #6 first 874.spit6.IMG_5115.jpg
883 Spit In The Ocean #1 Set 3 2nd Printing 883.884.885.886.887.888.IMG_5109.jpg
884 Spit In The Ocean #2 Set 3 First Ed
885 Spit In The Ocean #3 Set 3 First Ed
886 Spit In The Ocean #4 Set 3 First Ed
887 Spit In The Ocean #5 Set 3 First Ed
888 Spit In The Ocean #6 Set 3 First Ed
890 Spit In The Ocean #1 Set 1 First Edition 890.891.892.893.894.895.jpg
891 Spit In The Ocean #2 Set 1 First Edition
892 Spit In The Ocean #3 Set 1 First Edition
893 Spit In The Ocean #4 Set 1 First Edition
894 Spit In The Ocean #5 Set 1 First Edition
895 Spit In The Ocean #6 Set 1 First Edition
897 Spit In The Ocean #1 Set 2 addressed to eugene reg - First ED. stain on cover 897.898.899.900.901.902.IMG_5108.jpg
898 Spit In The Ocean #2 Set 2 First Ed.
899 Spit In The Ocean #3 Set 2 First Ed.
900 Spit In The Ocean #4 Set 2 First Ed.
901 Spit In The Ocean #5 Set 2 First Ed.
902 Spit In The Ocean #6 Set 2 First Ed.
906 Northwest Review 1991 - Goluboff on KK near fine 906.nwrev.IMG_4899.jpg
907 Northwest Review Fall 1957 near fine 907.nwrev.IMG_4900.jpg
908 Northwest Review Fall 1957 908.nwrev.IMG_4901.jpg
909 Northwest Review Fall 1957 cover ft/bk rubbed/scuffed 909.nwrev.IMG_4902.jpg
911 Genesis West 5 Fall 1963 celebrating kesey 911.genwest5.IMG_4903.jpg
912 Genesis West 5 Fall 1963 - some discoloration covers celebrating kesey 912.genwest5.IMG_4904.jpg
917 Kesey NW Review Books 1st ed 1977 signed KK - sliver cover 917.keseysoftsigned.IMG_4906.jpg
918 Kesey NW Review Books 1st ed 1977 signed KK - red/pink cover 918.keseysoftsignedcover.IMG_4908.jpg
919 Kesey NW Review Books 1st ed 1977 signed KK 919.keseysoftsigned.IMG_4907.jpg
920 Kesey NW Review Books 1st ed 1977 signed KK 920.keseysoftsigned.IMG_4909.jpg
925 Last Whole Earth Catalog 1971 Some of a letter from KK GN Divine Right's Trip 925.lastwhole.IMG_5117.jpg
926 Last Whole Earth Catalog 1971 Some of a letter from KK GN Divine Right's Trip 926.lastwhole.IMG_5118.jpg
929 Kesey's Garage Sale Viking Compass Book colored copy by kk 929.garagecolored.IMG_5409.jpg
930 Kesey's Garage Sale Viking Compass Book signed by KK 930.garagesigned.IMG_5410.jpg
931 Kesey's Garage Sale Viking Compass Book Inscribed to Soper signed kk 931.garageinscribed.IMG_5411.jpg
932 Kesey's Garage Sale Viking Compass Book bluish printing 932.garageblue.IMG_5412.jpg
933 Kesey's Garage Sale Viking Compass Book bluish printing 933.garageblue.IMG_5413.jpg
934 Kesey's Garage Sale Viking Compass Book greenish printing 934.garagegreen.IMG_5414.jpg
935 Kesey's Garage Sale Viking Compass Book greenish printing 935.garagegreen.IMG_5415.jpg
936 Kesey's Garage Sale Viking Compass Book greenish printing 936.garagegreen.IMG_5416.jpg
939 Sailor Song Hungarian signed 939.sailsonghungarian.IMG_5011.jpg
940 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Netherlands 90 signed multic markers 940.cucknethersigned.IMG_4870.jpg
942 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 30 anniversary edition signed by KK in gold 942.cuck30signedgold.IMG_4863.jpg
943 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 30 anniversary edition signed by KK in silver 943.cuck30signedsilver.IMG_4862.jpg
944 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Hungarian 1988 signed KK green 944.cuckhungariansigned.IMG_4868.jpg
945 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Penguin 40th printing signed by KK raised multic ink 945.cuckoosigned raised.jpg
947 Cliffs Notes – Cuckoo’s Nest 1974 947.cliffnotesofotcn.IMG_4890.jpg
949 Hog Farm - Hugh Romney forward by KK remainder marks bottom edge 949.hogfarm.IMG_5021.jpg
950 Hog Farm - Hugh Romney forward by KK minor crease top rt ft 950.hograrm.IMG_5022.jpg
952 Sorcerers forward by KK Aerial Books 1978 VG+ 952.sorcer.IMG_5103.jpg
953 Sorcerers forward by KK Aerial Books 1978 VG+ 953.sorcer.IMG_5104.jpg
954 Sorcerers forward by KK Aerial Books 1978 VG+ 954.sorcer.IMG_5105.jpg
955 Sorcerers forward by KK Aerial Books 1978 VG+ 955.sorcer.IMG_5106.jpg
956 Sorcerers forward by KK Aerial Books 1978 good 956.sorcer.IMG_5099.jpg
957 Sorcerers forward by KK Aerial Books 1978 good 957.sorcer.IMG_5100.jpg
958 Sorcerers forward by KK Aerial Books 1978 good 958.sorcer.IMG_5101.jpg
959 Sorcerers forward by KK Aerial Books 1978 good 959.IMG_51959.sorcer.02.jpg
964 Sea Lion Viking Penguin Children's Books Adv. Reading Copy 964.sealionadvread.IMG_4943.jpg
965 Sea Lion Puffin 965.sealionsoft.IMG_4944.jpg
967 Seattle Review Vol V Numbers 1&2 Fall 1982 Fur. Inq, manusc. on cover 967.seattlerev.IMG_4895.jpg
969 Demon Box Advanced Uncorrected Proof 969.demonadv.IMG_4934.jpg
970 Demon Box Adv. Uncorrected Proof 970.demonboxproof.IMG_5485.jpg
973 Paris Review #130 - Intv. W/KK water damage 973.parisrev.IMG_5356.jpg
975 Paris Review #130 - Intv. W/KK front corner creases 975.parisrev.IMG_5357.jpg
976 Paris Review #130 - Intv. W/KK mint 976.parisrev.IMG_5358.jpg
977 Paris Review #130 - Intv. W/KK mint 977.parisrev.IMG_5359.jpg
978 Paris Review #130 - Intv. W/KK mint 978.parisrev.IMG_5360.jpg
980 The Naked I Picador Letters from Mexico 980.nakedi.IMG_5084.jpg
981 Western Writers Series No. 12 KK Boise State Univ. 1974 981.westernwriters.IMG_5077.jpg
982 Western Writers Series No. 12 KK Boise State Univ. 1974 982.westwriter.IMG_5078.jpg
984 West Coast Fiction Bantam KK and Tom Robbins 984.wcoastfiction.IMG_4905.jpg
985 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest signet 1963 1st ed. last page corner torn off 985.cuck1stsoft.IMG_4867.jpg
986 Kesey's Jail Journal Adv. Uncorrected Proof crease on back cover 986.jailadv proof.IMG_5406.jpg
987 Kesey's Jail Journal Color Printers proof crease thru proof 987.jailproof.IMG_5407.jpg
994 Tin House vol 3 no. 3 interview with kk price sticker residue cover 994.tinhouse.IMG_5135.jpg
997 Last Go Round signed kk 1st printing paper 997.lastgosignedsoft.IMG_4983.jpg
998 Last Go Round signed kk 1st printing paper 998.lastgosignedsoft.IMG_4984.jpg
1000 Last Go Round signed adv uncorr proof black ink stain on lower right edge 1000.signedarc.goround.IMG_5742.jpg
1001 Further Inquiry uncorrected proof
1004 Further Inquiry uncorrected proof
1005 Mano-Mano/2 Issue 10 of Bowery Press July 71 1005.manomano.IMG_4897.jpg
1006 Mano-Mano/2 Issue 10 of Bowery Press July 71 1006.manomano.IMG_4898.jpg
1007 Mano-Mano/3 Issue 10 of Bowery Press July 71 1007.manmano.IMG_4910.jpg
1008 Further Inquiry uncorrected proof name written on cover in ink
1010 Sometimes a Great Movie Matt Love signed copy 1010.sgMovie.IMG_5566.jpg
1011 Acid Christ - mark christensen schaffner press 2009 first ed soft 1011.acidchristsoft.IMG_5481.jpg
1013 AUDIO
1014 The Lennon Story cassette 1014.lennonstory.IMG_5527.jpg
1015 A side Little Tricke / b side KK & The Thunder Machine cassette 1015.trick.thunmach.IMG_5528.jpg
1016 Hogs Are Coming cassette 1016.hogs cassette.IMG_5530.jpg
1017 Sea Lion cassette 1017.sealioncass.IMG_5526.jpg
1018 Killer cassette 1018.killercass.IMG_5529.jpg
1023 One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Audio Book cassettes - 30 anniv. sealed 1023.cuckcasssealed.IMG_4858.jpg
1024 One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Audio Book cassettes - 30 anniv. sealed 1024.cuckcasssealed.IMG_4859.jpg
1025 One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Audio Book cassettes - 30 anniv. sealed 1025.cuckcasssealed.IMG_4860.jpg
1026 One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Audio Book cassettes - 30 anniv. open 1026.30thanncuckcassettes.jpg
1027 One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Audio Book cassettes - 30 anniv. open 1027.cuckcassopen.IMG_4856.jpg
1028 One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest Audio Book cassettes - 30 anniv. open 1028.cuckcassopen.IMG_4855.jpg
1030 Last Go Round Audio Book sealed cut out 1030.lastgocassco.IMG_4978.jpg
1031 Last Go Round Audio Book sealed cut out 1031.lastgocassco.IMG_4979.jpg
1033 Last Go Round Audio Book open 1033.lastgocassopen.IMG_4976.jpg
1034 Last Go Round Audio Book open 1034.lastgocassopen.IMG_4977.jpg
1036 Last Go Round Audio Book sealed mint 1036.lastgocasssealed.IMG_4975.jpg
1040 Talking Rain cd sealed 1040.talkraincd.IMG_5533.jpg
1041 Talking Rain cd open 1041.talkraincd.IMG_5532.jpg
1046 OFOTCN Unabridged narration - Mark Hammer recorded books 92327 library copy 1046.cuckhammer.IMG_4861.jpg
1049 Reel to Reel Interview with KK - Questions and Authors KXKX-FM 7 1/2\ ips"" 1049.kxkx.IMG_5088.jpg
1050 Reel To Reel - Mountain Girl, KK, Dead, BBHC 3 3/4 ips 1050.reel.mgdeadkk.IMG_5087.jpg
1051 Reel to Reel - The Acid Test Pacifica Radio March 1979 7 1/2\ ips"" 1051.pacificaacidtest.IMG_5085.jpg
1052 Reel to Reel - Hog Farm and Friends BookNoise 11 - and Chris Welch Hendrix Bio 7 1/2\ ips"" 1052.booknoisehogfarm.IMG_5086.jpg
1054 VIDEO
1055 Rough Cut Simon Babbs film 1055.roughcut.IMG_5503.jpg
1059 The Merry Pranksters Part one hard shell case - vhs signed 1059.mpvhssigned.IMG_5501.jpg
1060 The Merry Pranksters Part one hard shell case - vhs unsigned 1060.mpvhs.IMG_5502.jpg
1065 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed KK KB - no # we have to get organized sticker! 1065ep1dip.IMG_4911.jpg
1066 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed KK KB - no # 1066.ep1dip.IMG_4912.jpg
1067 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed KK KB - no # 1067.ep1dip.IMG_4913.jpg
1068 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed KK KB - no # 1068.ep1dip.IMG_4914.jpg
1069 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed KK KB - no # 1069.ep1dip.IMG_4915.jpg
1070 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed KK KB - no # 1070.ep1dip.IMG_4916.jpg
1071 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed KK KB - no # 1071.ep1dip.IMG_4917.jpg
1072 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed KK KB - no # 1072.ep1dip.IMG_4918.jpg
1075 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed by kk kb, gw #2527 1075.ep1dip.2527.IMG_4926.jpg
1076 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed by kk kb, gw #1700 1076.ep1dip.1700.IMG_4924.jpg
1078 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed kk #1288 1078.ep1dip.1288.IMG_4927.jpg
1083 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed by kk and kb - #1348 1083.ep1.dip1348.IMG_4923.jpg
1084 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE ONE signed by kk and kb - #1994 1084.ep1dip1994.IMG_4925.jpg
1086 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE TWO - N. TO MADHATTAN unnumbered signed kk and kb 1086.ep2dip.IMG_4919.jpg
1087 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE TWO - N. TO MADHATTAN unnumbered signed kk and kb 1087.ep2dip.IMG_4920.jpg
1088 ITAHMBOP LFACP EPISODE TWO - N. TO MADHATTAN unnumbered signed kk and kb 1088.ep2dip.IMG_4921.jpg
1091 VHS window dubs of 16mm xfer-1-22 / 1,2,5,5,6,6,7,7 dubs of master reels / 2-bus trippin vhs / wikiup,credits,neal audio vhs / time code log notes for xfer 1091.vhswindowdubsetc.IMG_5498.jpg
1096 Tie-died vhs KK interview 1096.tiediedvhs.IMG_5514.jpg
1098 PBS Great Drives - Pacific Coast Highway GDRI-903 KK interview on coast 1098.greatdrivesvhs.IMG_5513.jpg
1099 Hemplands - patrick mcneese wv1-0001 wilco ventures KK interview 1099.hemplandsvhs.IMG_5512.jpg
1101 Even Cowgirls Get The Blues N4276 sealed 1101.cowgirlsvhs.IMG_5510.jpg
1102 Even Cowgirls Get The Blues N4276 open copy 1102.cowgirls.IMG_5511.jpg
1107 Sometimes A Great Notion vhs 1107.sgnvhs.IMG_4865.jpg
1108 Sometimes A Great Notion vhs 1108.sgnvhs.IMG_5482.jpg
1126 Great Books - OFOTCN vhs 7.8.98 1126.greatbookscuckvhs.IMG_4866.jpg
1127 Further On VHS signed KK on cover insert 1127.furtheronvhssigned.IMG_5483.jpg
1128 Moonfish vhs 1128.moonfishvhs.IMG_5504.jpg
1129 Poetic Hoohaw vhs 1129.poetichoovhs.IMG_5505.jpg
1130 Abduhl and Ebeneezer vhs 1130.abdulebanvhs.IMG_5506.jpg
1131 Still Kesey vhs 1131.stillkeseyvhs.IMG_5509.jpg
1132 Acid Test vhs 1132.acidtestvhs.IMG_5508.jpg
1133 Twister vhs artwork cover signed by kk 1133.twistervhssigned.IMG_5500.jpg
1134 Twister vhs photo cover 1134.twistervhs.IMG_5499.jpg
1135 vh1 alive and trippin vhs - from vh1 with letter 1135.vh1.IMG_5516.jpg
1137 quick edit for zizi edited with kesey vhs dub 1137.ziziedit.IMG_5522.jpg
1138 drive over ogreen dub 1 edited with kesey vhs dub 1138.driveog1.IMG_5520.jpg
1139 intrepid trips vhs ???? 1139.intrepidtrips.IMG_5519.jpg
1140 cool place 1 vhs 1140.coolpl.IMG_5523.jpg
1141 cool place 1 vhs 1141.coolpl.IMG_5524.jpg
1142 cool place 1 cont VHS 1142.coolpl.IMG_5525.jpg
1143 court tv - trial story - garcia vs garcia vhs from court tv 1143.courttvmg.IMG_5515.jpg
1144 garcia - kesey e special airshot vhs 1144.garciakeseyespecial.IMG_5518.jpg
1145 drive over ogreen dub 2 1145.driveog2.IMG_5521.jpg
1146 Airshot VHS - KK on Good Morning America 1146.kkgmaairshotvhs.IMG_4953.jpg
1147 Neal Cassady in the backhouse and on the road vhs hardcase 1147.nealbackhousevhs.IMG_5507.jpg
1149 Felix Blotter art signed Kesey 1149.felixblot.IMG_4821.jpg
1150 Eye Pyramid Blotter art signed Ken Kesey 1150.pyramidblot.IMG_4819.jpg
1151 Eye Pyramid Blotter art signed KESEY 1151.pyramidblot.IMG_4820.jpg
1152 Mad Hatter Blotter art signed KK 1152.madhat.IMG_4818.jpg
1153 Mad Hatter Blotter art signed Kesey 1153.madhatkesey.IMG_4817.jpg
1154 Bus 1154.busblotter.IMG_5585.jpg
1155 Sunshine Blotter art sign. KK & TL 1155.sunshineblotterkktl.IMG_4815.jpg
1156 Fractal Blotter Art BA # 27/250 signed by KK 1156.fractal27kkIMG_4813.jpg
1157 Fractal Blotter Art BA # 58/250 sign. KK & TL 1157.fractalblot58kktl.IMG_4814.jpg
1158 Fractal Blotter Art BA 144/250 signed by kk 1158.fractal144.IMG_4816.jpg
1159 4/1/1972 I ching with spaceman 1159.ichingman.IMG_4851.jpg
1160 Man with mic close cut signed 1160.micman.IMG_4854.jpg
1161 Lava flow/man (1161A - BOTTOM LEFT OF 3 UP PIC) 2 sided signed 1161.lavaside..jpg
1163 Haiku for Ken - #20/100 prints signed by Wavy Gravy 8.10.02 24x17 1163.haikuwavykk.IMG_5647.jpg
1164 Close cut photo montage of prankster headshots - 3 pages pranksters 1164.headcollage..jpg
1165 Dip frame and print - AT Grad not signed 1165.headshots 3.IMG_4849.jpg
1166 Can You Pass The Acid Test - Dip frame and print signed kk, simon, babbs.caleb,phil,gretchin, hagen walker anon #86 1166.atdip.signed.IMG_5683.jpg
1167 Blotter - KK face 1167.keseyfaceblotter.IMG_5430.jpg
1168 Blotter - Magic bus 1168.busblotter.IMG_5431.jpg
1169 Blotter - Mad Hatter signed Gretch, MH,ZK,Anon,KB,Swan 1169.madhattersigned.IMG_5432.jpg
1170 The Ghost of Electricity 1935-2001 orig. photoshop artwork larry keenan 2003 calif college of arts&crafts 66 1170.ghostofelec.IMG_4804.jpg
1173 KK - Jeep Liberty Show Ken and Liberty Joe Willsens 1173.kkjeep.IMG_5054.jpg
1174 KK - Jeep Liberty Show Ken sitting during rehearsal Joe Willsens 1174.kksittingjeepshow.IMG_5055.jpg
1175 Cass reading in Detroit - Greg Olszta 4 prints 1175.kkcass.IMG_5050.jpg
1179 KK speaking in Eugene - early 70's 3 photos at lectern and pic of KK house interior 1179.eugenekk.IMG_4800.jpg
1180 KK (rip off photoshop version) speednik 9 of 25 \Acid Test"""" 1180.speednik.IMG_5146.jpg
1181 KK Poetic Hoo Ha \KK on stg. emploring crowd"""" Clyde Keller 76 b&w 11x14 1181.keller.kkstg.IMG_5049.jpg
1182 KK Poetic Hoo Ha Bill Murray - kk on camera bill audio Clyde Keller 76 b&w 11x14 1182.kellermurray.IMG_5047.jpg
1183 KK Poetic Hoo Ha McArthur Court - headshot Clyde Keller 76 b&w 11x14 1183.kellermcarthurct.IMG_5048.jpg
1184 KK Poetic Hoo Ha \KK Hoo Ha Dancing"""" Clyde Keller 76 b&w 11x15 1184.kellerhooha.IMG_5639.jpg
1185 KK with Necklace surprised look moldova 16.5x11.5 1185.necklacemoldova.IMG_5594.jpg
1186 Acid Test Graduation - Bus with banner (in collection) moldova print 16.5x12 1186.atbanneronbus.IMG_5617.jpg
1187 KK early 60s sitting at angle moldova 16.24x11.5 12x16.5 full bleed 1187.60smoldova.IMG_5595.jpg
1188 30 - 35mm color slides of further 1&2 and bus barn geoffrey's friend shot 1188.35mmslides.IMG_5046.jpg
1191 KK at WhoHaw copy of keller pic - blueish includes signed 3x5 card 1191.kellercopysignedcard.IMG_4798.jpg
1192 Early bus interior with people print 1192.peopleonbuseugene.IMG_4799.jpg
1193 Seaside cabin exterior front door 1193.seasidehouse.IMG_4795.jpg
1194 Seaside cabin interior out front door 1194.seasidecabin.IMG_4796.jpg
1195 Sunshine selling pyramid oil Marianne Clancey photo 1195.sunshineselloil.IMG_4797.jpg
1196 Postcard - profile h&s Larry Keenan - 1999 city lights books 1196.keenanpostcard.IMG_4794.jpg
1197 Postcard - arms crossed Paul Fusco - Penguin Modern Classics 1197.fuscopostcard.IMG_4793.jpg
1198 KK arrested on narcotics charge photo from ofotcn April 65 1198.1.65.narcoticscharge..jpeg
1199 KK tree shot ocean ocean ill beat you in the end 2.13.66 5.5.65 1199.2.65.narcoticschargeocean21366...jpeg
1200 Defamation lawsuit dropped 1.5x4 1966? 1200.3.defamationlawsuit.jpeg
1201 KK Arrested 10.20.66 photo from 1.19.66 1201.4.102066fugative.jpeg
1202 Narcotics charge jails novelist ken and faye Jan 17, 1966 ap wire photo 7x9 b&w 1202.1005.jan1766k&f.jpeg
1203 Narcotics charge jails novelist ken and Faye Jan 17, 1966 ap wire photo 8x10 b&w 1203.6.jan1966k&f.jpeg
1206 Kesey watches himself on tv before arrest ap wire photo Oct 21,1966 - Gordon Peters 1206.8.102266watchtv.jpeg
1208 Kesey watches himself on tv before arrest ap wire photo Oct 21,1966 - Gordon Peters 1208.10.102566watchtv3.jpeg
1210 KK - He's Stoned Univ of Chicago May 30,1970 1210.11.hesstoned053070.jpeg
1211 KK not at academy awards 5.30.70 1211.12.oscarsofotcn053070.jpeg
1212 KK holding bottle - profile shot Univ of Chicago May 30,1970
1213 KK smile bend in the river 7.3.74/talk on cows 10.16.76
1214 KK with dogs 3.31.76 1214.15.033176dogs.jpeg
1215 Kesey Bitter money film rights mar 30 1976 1215.18.040676.kkwithstick.jpeg
1216 binoculars birds are coming back mar 14 1976 1216.16.birdwatcher031476.jpeg
1217 KK and Karen Russell on violin bend in the river council jul 8, 1978 1217.17.070874withviolinwoman..jpeg
1219 KK on Univ Florida Writers Conference Faculty 5/1/1979 (earlier photo) 1219.19.050179uofflaconf.jpeg
1220 KK - Replace OFOTCN with Shakespere or Bible 1979 but earlier pic (66) 1220.20.051579.shakespear.jpeg
1221 KK - Replace OFOTCN with Shakespere or Bible 1979 but earlier pic (66) 1221.21.051579.shakespear2.jpeg
1222 KK April 25,1982 now a down home farmer 1222.22.novelistat46.jpeg
1223 KK in Boulder - 10/82 by michael yada - Denver post with rose 1223.23.denverpost82boulder.jpeg
1224 KK and Burroughs - Denver 30166 yada 1224.boulderkk burrroughs..jpeg
1225 KK in cap and gown - learn wrong from right u of wash law paul miller seattle times June 15, 1985 1225.25.seattletimelawschool061585.jpeg
1226 KK with Thundermachine Karl Gehring Denver Post 9-7-86 1226.26.denverpost090786thunderm26.090786.thundermachine.jpeg
1228 KK on front porch on phone harly suites photo Sept 14, 1986 1228.27.091486kkathouseonphone.jpeg
1229 KK and graduates sitting s eugene high school harley sultes 86 1229.28.091486.awaitcueHSgrad.jpeg
1230 KK with grads speaking on mic 31669 1230.29.091486.graduation.jpeg
1231 KK at NORML Sept 14, 1986 Harly Suelts photo 1231.30.091486.normalconv.jpeg
1232 KK Demon Box press photo Bob Seidmann 1986 dirty print
1233 KK Demon Box press photo Bob Seidmann 1986 1233.32.091086.seidmann.jpeg
1234 KK Demon Box press photo Bob Seidmann 1986 1234.31..seidmann.jpeg
1235 KK Demon Box press photo Bob Seidmann 1986 staple and crease 1235.seidmannclean.jpeg
1236 KK and Guitar at Fair 86 1236.kkguitarfair86.jpg
1237 KK and KB in Cadillac on road by farm harly sultes photo Sept 14, 1986 1237.35.091486.incadillac.jpeg
1238 Feed cows color 86 thru 2001 1238.36.082486.feedscows.jpeg
1239 KK and friends playing TM on the farm 31625 1239.37.thundermachonfarmAug86.jpeg
1240 KK in straw hat 1986 1240.38.86thru2000.strawhat.jpeg
1241 KK and Bill Graham 7.20.87 1241.39.072087.kkandbillgraham.jpeg
1242 Portland center for performing arts 87 thru 95 1242.40.100387.latimesaward.jpeg
1243 KK and Caverns writers 5.22.88 1243.cavern.jpeg
1244 kk with huge log on flatbed truck 5.20.89 1244.42.052089.tree.jpeg
1245 Bus at Powells in Portland 10.29.90 1245.43.102990.colorbus.jpeg
1246 KK and bus 11.5.90 catherine bishop 1246.44.110590.bustrippromobook.jpeg
1247 KK signing FI 33147 1247.45.102890.booksigning.jpeg
1248 KK and bus for further inquiry roy sebern photo 1990 1248.46.102590.Furthinq.kkandbus.jpeg
1249 kk and bus - Smithsonian 1990 1249.47.102790.smithsonian.jpeg
1250 KK Sailor Song Press Photo - Brian Lanker 4.5xapx6\ b&w 92/95 "" 1250.48.090292.sailorsong.jpeg
1251 KK Sailor Song Press Photo - Brian Lanker 4.5xapx6\ b&w 92/95 "" 1251.49.sailorsong.jpeg
1252 KK and Bus AP photo promo for sailor song 8.30.92 1252.50.082492.kkwithbus.jpeg
1253 KK reads sea lion in cape and headdress 4.29.92 1253.51.042992.readssealion.jpeg
1254 KK with bus in barn 7.22.92 1254.52.072292.kkatftofbus.jpeg
1255 KK in living room 7.22.92 1255.53.072292.returntobookskkathome.jpeg
1256 KK in living room #2 7.22.92 1256.54.072292.returntobooksaltpicathome.jpeg
1257 KK at lectern in Eugene with sunglasses 1257.55.022000.sunglasseshat.jpeg
1258 KK at lectern in Eugene without sunglasses 1258.kesey press 92.jpeg
1259 KK and KB for last go round john bauguess photo Aug 94 1259.57.070494.kkkblastgoround.jpeg
1260 KK and KB for last go round john bauguess photo Aug 94 1260.58.070494.kkkblastgoround2.jpeg
1261 KK and Cadillac - photo by Fran Ortiz - SF examiner 10.22.86 11x14 b&w print 1261.ortizkkcad.IMG_5638.jpg
1262 KK book signing Last go round color 12.5.94 1262.59.120494.colorbooksigning.jpeg
1263 A Conversation with Ken Kesey director Peter Shapiro 1263.60.85.kkandsapiroandbus.jpeg
1264 KK KB working on Spit In Ocean 1264.61.031476.kkkbworkonSPIT.jpeg
1265 Esquire dream jeanne Aug 5 1984 1265.esquiredreamjeannie..jpeg
1268 MISC.
1269 Phone Calling Card Still Kesey 1269.1270.1272.1274IMG_5155.jpg
1270 Phone Calling Card Acid Test
1272 Phone Calling Card Uncle Sam AT 2 copies
1274 Phone Calling Card On the bus to nevernever land
1275 Never Trust A Prankster button
1276 Bus Mouse Pad 1276.busmousepad.IMG_5136.jpg
1279 Are You On The Bus or Off The Bus pin 1279. 1280.1282.pins.IMG_5153.jpg
1280 Are You On The Bus or Off The Bus pin
1281 Did you pass the acid test biz card rick dodgson 1281.didyoupassdodgson.IMG_4826.jpg
1282 The bus came by…. pin
1283 The bus came by…. Sticker 1283.buscamebysticker.IMG_5161.jpg
1284 Haight Ashbury bus Sticker 1284.haightstickerbus.IMG_5162.jpg
1285 Ken Kesey Postcard portrait by Tim Anderson 1285.andersonpostcard.IMG_5170.jpg
1286 Spitfurther Jail Journal biz card 2 cards 1286.spitcards.IMG_4823.jpg
1287 Bus Plaques signed by K.K. red sparkle raised ink 1287.plaque.IMG_5137.jpg
1288 Bus Plaques - pre paste - cut from calendar signed by K.K. no plaque 1288.signedpreproplaque.IMG_5156.jpg
1291 The Long Now Foundation biz card stewart brand 1291.longnowcard.IMG_4824.jpg
1296 Spitfurther Jail Journal biz card MG cell phone on back 1296.spitcardmg.IMG_4825.jpg
1297 GO EASY ON KESEY PINS 32 pins 1297.goeasy.IMG_5188.jpg
1298 Readin' Kesey Pin readin in the rain - readin kesey 1298.readrainpin.IMG_5182.jpg
1299 Marijuana leaf bandana signed by K.K. and pranksters 1299.signedbandana.IMG_5151.jpg
1301 Love the Lonely with autograph NE Missouri aids see 313 &382 for aids reference 1301.lovelonely.IMG_4846.jpg
1302 Further Bus postcard signed by geo walker with photo proof pic 1302.buscardgw.IMG_5551.jpg
1303 Further Inquiry Dust Jacket proof 1303.fidjproof.IMG_5303.jpg
1313 1948 Jr. Hi Maple-Leaf yearbook 1313.48mapleleaf.IMG_5367.jpg
1315 1950 Miller's Log yearbook 1315.millerlog50.IMG_5368.jpg
1316 1950 Miller's Log yearbook 1316.millerlog50IMG_5369.jpg
1317 1950 Miller's Log yearbook 1317.millerlog50.IMG_5370.jpg
1318 1950 Miller's Log yearbook 1318.millerlog50.IMG_5371.jpg
1319 1951 Millers' log yearbook 1319.millerlog51.IMG_5372.jpg
1320 1951 Millers' log yearbook 1320.millerlog51.IMG_5373.jpg
1321 1951 Millers' log yearbook 1321.millerlog51.IMG_5374.jpg
1323 1952 Miller's Log yearbook 1323.millerlog52.IMG_5375.jpg
1324 1952 Miller's Log yearbook 1324.millerlog52.IMG_5376.jpg
1326 1953 Millers Log yearbook mint 1326.millerlog53.IMG_5377.jpg
1329 1954 Oregana yearbook 1329.oregana54IMG_5378.jpg
1330 1954 Oregana yearbook 1330.oregana54.IMG_5379.jpg
1331 1954 Oregana yearbook 1331.orgeana54.IMG_5380.jpg
1332 1954 Oregana yearbook 1332.oregana54.IMG_5381.jpg
1333 1954 Oregana yearbook 1333.organa54.IMG_5382.jpg
1335 1955 Oregana yearbook 1335.organa55.IMG_5385.jpg
1336 1955 Oregana yearbook 1336.organa55.IMG_5386.jpg
1338 1956 Oregana yearbook 1338.organa56.IMG_5387.jpg
1339 1956 Oregana yearbook 1339.organa56.IMG_5388.jpg
1340 1956 Oregana yearbook 1340.organa56.IMG_5389.jpg
1342 1957 Oregana yearbook UofO snapshots in sound 45rpm 1342.orgegana57.IMG_5390.jpg
1343 1957 Oregana yearbook 1343.oregana57.IMG_5391.jpg
1344 1957 Oregana yearbook 1344.oregana57.IMG_5392.jpg
1345 1967 Oregana yearbook Men of Dissent section 1345.organa67.IMG_5384.jpg
1347 1973 Beaver ( OSU ) yearbook 1347.beaver73.IMG_5383.jpg
1350 Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Tom Wolfe 1st ed. Farrar, Straus Giroux Fine 1350.ekat.IMG_5418.jpg
1351 Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Tom Wolfe 1st ed. Farrar, Straus Giroux Fine minus 1351.ekat.IMG_5419.jpg
1352 Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Tom Wolfe 1st ed. Farrar, Straus Giroux top and bottom spine edge 1352.ekat.IMG_5420.jpg
1353 Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Tom Wolfe 1st ed. Farrar, Straus Giroux dj fair 1353.ekat.IMG_5421.jpg
1354 Who Shot The Water Buffalo - Ken Babbs 1st ed Overlook 2011 signed KB with drawing of marine 1354.whoshotsigned.IMG_5428.jpg
1355 Prime Green - Robert Stone ECCO Uncorrected Proof - soft cover 1355.primegreeenadvread.IMG_5429.jpg
1356 Who Shot The Water Buffalo - Ken Babbs Overlook 2011Uncorrected proof with letter 1356.whoshotadvread.IMG_5426.jpg
1357 Who Shot The Water Buffalo - Ken Babbs Overlook 2011Uncorrected proof with letter 1357.whoshotadvread.IMG_5427.jpg
1358 Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Tom Wolfe uncorrected proof 1358.ekatadvreading.IMG_5422.jpg
1359 NY Review of Books - EKAT 8-22-68 review 1359.ekatreview.IMG_5741.jpg
1363 I Want To Take You Higher - R&R H of F Soft signed by Henke (editor) 1363.highersignehenke.IMG_5738.jpg
1364 Off The Wall - Vol 2 No 7 interview with Babbs Tribute to Chet Helms 1364.offthewallbabbs.IMG_5439.jpg
1366 Ron Boise Kama Sutra Calendar 1966 with printed wrap and seal - hole punch 11x17 textured stock-top edge glue bind. 1366.boisecalendar.IMG_5312.jpg
1367 Ron Boise Kama Sutra Calendar 1969 tan stock - quicksilver productions, nev.11x17 top edge stapled 1367.boise.IMG_5313.jpg
1368 Evergreen Review No 36 June 1965 Boise's Kama Sutra Sculptures court case 1368.evergreenboise.IMG_5283.jpg
1369 Hells Angels - Hunter S Thompson HB with DJ - third printing 1369.hellsangels.IMG_5492.jpg
1370 U of O Ken Babbs namecard 1370.uofonamecardbabbs.IMG_5442.jpg
1371 108 Portraits - Gus Van Sant Twin Palms 1992 tear top right cover dj 1371.gusvanz.IMG_5284.jpg
1372 Ron Boise Kama Sutra Calendar 1967-1968 Sealed envelope 9x12 1372. boise.IMG_5314.jpg
1373 Ron Boise Kama Sutra Calendar 1967 in envelope 9x12 1373.boise.IMG_5315.jpg
1374 Rolling Stone No. 129 March 1,1973 GW Jagger boat 1374.rs129.IMG_5462.jpg
1376 Dance of Death GD handbill Oct 66 1376.dancedeathflyer.IMG_5204.jpg
1378 Summer of Love-Gene Anthony Celestial Arts hard - foxing and edge wrinkles 1378.sumlovehb.IMG_4972.jpg
1379 Summer of Love-Gene Anthony Celestial Arts hard - VG+ 1379.sumlovehb.IMG_4973.jpg
1380 Six Kesey Sketches - Ken Babbs signed 2003 Bookventure 1380. keseysketchesbabbs.IMG_5438.jpg
1381 Summer of Love-Gene Anthony Celestial Arts soft tear on cover right middle 1381.sumlovesoft.IMG_4974.jpg
1382 Bookventure business cards 2003 20 cards 1382.bookventurebizcards.IMG_5441.jpg
1384 Flyer for Babbs in San Anselmo 9x12 1384.babbssananselmoflyer.IMG_5440.jpg
1385 Aquarius Revisited _ Peter Whitmer MacMillian 1987 wrinkles to edge of dj front 1385.aqrev.IMG_5495.jpg
1386 Aquarius Revisited _ Peter Whitmer MacMillian 1988 1386.aqrev.IMG_5496.jpg
1388 Ron Boise Kama Sutra Calendar 1969 tan stock - quicksilver productions, nev.11x17 top edge stapled (2nd copy) 1388.kamasutra69.IMG_5463.jpg
1390 Eugene Magazine - fall 2015 Babbs on cover and article 1390.eugenemagbabbs.IMG_5476.jpg
1391 Eugene Magazine - fall 2016 Babbs on cover and article 1391.eugenemagbabbs.IMG_5477.jpg
1392 An Evening with the Doctor - Fischer/Service Tacoma Press 2000 HST and KK as character 1392.eveningwith hst.IMG_5734.jpg
1394 Lithograph by Henry Fonda - SGN Stamper House signed in left bot corner and inscribed photo 1394.fondalitho.IMG_5687.jpg
1397 The Answer Is Always Yes Huligard soft cover 1397.answeryes.IMG_5023.jpg
1398 The Answer Is Always Yes Huligard w/ letter to Dupree Diamond review copy spiral bound 1398.yesreview.IMG_5025.jpg
1399 Prankster Memoirs - John Babbs Angle 2003 1st ed signed JB
1400 Class Reunion - Ken Babbs Skypilot pub signed 1400.classreunionbabbs.IMG_5433.jpg
1401 Class Reunion - Ken Babbs Skypilot pub signed 1401.classreunion.IMG_5434.jpg
1403 It's All A Kind of Magic - The Young Ken Kesey Univ of Wisconsin Press Advance Reading copy - soft 1403.youngkeseyadvreadsoft.IMG_5026.jpg
1404 Stories Done - Mikal Gilmore Free Press 2008 first 1404.storiesdone.IMG_5489.jpg
1405 Page Browning Funeral Program 1405.pagebrowning.IMG_5443.jpg
1406 The Dead Book - Hank Harrison Links - softcover - acid paper stains inside cov. Cassady Rap Flexidisc attached 1406.bookofdead.IMG_5262.jpg
1407 The Dead Book - Hank Harrison Links-soft cover stains on cover - foxing, crease Cassady Rap Flexidisc detached 1407.deadbook.IMG_5024.jpg
1408 A Form of Work That Becomes a Construct - Ken Babbs Skypilot pub. Signed 1408.formconstruct.IMG_5435.jpg
1409 A Form of Work That Becomes a Construct - Ken Babbs Skypilot pub. Signed 1409.formconstruct.IMG_5436.jpg
1410 VINYL
1411 THE ACID TEST MINT MINT 1411.acidtest.IMG_5534.jpg
1412 THE ACID TEST MINT-(some foxing) MINT 1412.acidtest.IMG_5535.jpg
1413 THE ACID TEST good - 150 written top right corner and stains on back - no inner sleeve 1413.acidtest.IMG_5536.jpg
1416 HOGS ARE COMING/PEGGY THE PISTOL 45 & ps Signed KK KB #30/500 1416.I.hogssigned.IMG_5540.jpg
1417 HOGS ARE COMING/PEGGY THE PISTOL 46 & ps unsigned 1417.hogs.IMG_5541.jpg
1418 HOGS ARE COMING/PEGGY THE PISTOL 47 & ps unsigned 1418.hogs.IMG_5542.jpg
1421 OFFICIAL NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR SONG - FAIR IS FAIR cardboard flexidisc in honor of pranksters at fair 1421.nyfair.IMG_5549.jpg
1424 THE ELECTRIC KOOL-AID ACID TEST SF state 10-1,2-66 boot 1424.ekatbootlp.IMG_5740.jpg
1426 HAVE YOU SEEN THE SAUCERS - JEFFERSON AIRPLANE 45 with pic sleeve - lamp by KK 1426.saucers.IMG_5544.jpg
1427 HAVE YOU SEEN THE SAUCERS - JEFFERSON AIRPLANE 45 with pic sleeve - lamp by KK 1427.saucers.IMG_5545.jpg
1428 HAVE YOU SEEN THE SAUCERS - JEFFERSON AIRPLANE 45 with pic sleeve - lamp by KK 1428.saucers.IMG_5546.jpg
1429 HAVE YOU SEEN THE SAUCERS - JEFFERSON AIRPLANE 45 with pic sleeve - lamp by KK
1435 ONE WORLD POETRY LIVE FROM AMSTERDAM Milky Way records Side four - bible bill john the groupie top left corner crushed - 1435.oneworldpoetry.IMG_5539.jpg
1438 ACID TEST PROMO 7" 1438.atpromo.IMG_5547.jpg"""
1439 ACID TEST PROMO 7" 1439.atpromo.IMG_5548.jpg"""
1442 THE DIAL A POEM POETS - TOTALLY CORRUPT KK 5:04 vg+ vg+ 1442.dialpoet.IMG_5537.jpg
1443 THE DIAL A POEM POETS - TOTALLY CORRUPT KK 5:05 sticker residue on cover and rub/tape damage to inner left no original sleeves 1443.dialpoet.IMG_5538.jpg