2 Albert Hofmann young researcher photo signed with cd 2.AHresearchersigned.IMG_4685.jpg
3 Albert Hofmann older with lsd model signed with cd 3.AHmodelsigned.IMG_4684.jpg
4 50th Anniversary of LSD - Bike Day signed by Albert Hofmann - 77/120 signed bruce eisner 19.75x14 Santa Cruz April 16 UCSC Perf art theater 4.ah50lsd.IMG_5670.jpg
5 50th Anniversary of LSD - Bike Day signed by Albert Hofmann - not with BE sign&# 19.75x14 Santa Cruz April 16 UCSC Perf art theater 5.ah50lsd.IMG_5669.jpg
6 Copy of letter from AH to BE 6.ahbeletter.IMG_5671.jpg
7 AH Foundation newsletter vo 1 no 1 7.ahfoundation.IMG_4759.jpg
8 LSD:My Problem Child – Albert Hoffman McGraw Hill 1980 closed tear ft by A otherwise Fine signed 8.probchildsig.IMG_4424.jpg
9 LSD:My Problem Child – Albert Hoffman minor rubbing to top spine edge otherwise FINE signed 9.probchildsig.IMG_4425.jpg
10 LSD:My Problem Child – Albert Hoffman sm tear top rt corner ft/botltft/bkbotlft/bktop leftccorner DJ VG unsigned 10.probchildunsig.IMG_4423.jpg
11 The Road To Elusius - Wasson,Hofmann,Ruck Hermes Press 20th anniversary edition - FINE 1/16 tear top edge ft near spine unsigned 11.elusius.IMG_4427.jpg
12 AH interview by stanislav grof big sur 1984 - from archives of Ralph Metzner 12.grofAHinterview.IMG_4760.jpg
13 Photo of AH - photoshop signed by AH and artist 13.AHsignedphotoshop.IMG_4686.jpg
14 EPFL Program - Albert Hofmann signed by AH 14.epflprogsigned..jpg
15 The Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens - Schulte/ Hofmann am lit series a - with dj color stained DJ but not book! 15.botchemhall.IMG_4770.jpg
16 Beyond the Doors of Perception Benefit launching the AH Foundation 16.AHfoundation.IMG_5558.jpg
19 The Trip 33 7/8x25 folded printed both sides clippings design - a 19.20:thetrippress.IMG_5654.jpg
20 The Trip 34 7/8x25 folded printed both sides clippings design - b
21 The Trip window card 14x11 staple holed top right and bottom right #8 21.triplobbycard.IMG_4782.jpg
22 The Trip 27x41 folded one sheet 1967 67/248 22.trip1sheet.IMG_5655.jpg
23 The Trip Film Bio with 4 8x10 b&w 23.tripbio.IMG_4777.jpg
25 American Cinematographer - The Trip Psychedelic Visual Effects for the trip March 1968 169-180- written on cover 25.amcinemag.IMG_4775.jpg
26 Hallucination Generation one sheet 1966 67/21 27x41 26.hallucingen1sheet.IMG_5656.jpg
27 Weird World of LSD window cards 7 different - 8x10 2 of men at bar -10$/10$/36/24.98 27.g.IMG_5719.jpg
28 Weird World of LSD one sheet folded 25x36 28.weirdworldlsd1sheet..jpg
29 Big Cube mini herald 8x10 two sided 29.bigcubeminiherald.IMG_4776.jpg
30 Hallucination Generation pressbook - oversize 17x11 8 pgs 30.hallgenpressbook.IMG_5650.jpg
31 The Trip - printer block 31.tripprinterblock.IMG_5707.jpg
34 Cannablis - Rick Griffin 19.75x14 Berkeley Bonaparte
35 Blacklight bumper sticker things go better with pot 35.gobetterwithpot.IMG_4705.jpg
36 Legalise Cannabis - The Putting Together of the Heads 20x30 - martin sharp- gold foil poster some creases - vg cond 36.legalise cannabis.IMG_5676.jpg
37 Color prints of marijuana farming in Lebanon or Afganistan 37.potfarming.IMG_5729.jpg
39 A Prophecy of A Declaration Of Independence Oct. 6, 1966 - 2484.41 AOR framed flyer with plexi 39.prophecy.IMG_5745.jpg
40 Fly LSD Airline 66/67 poster Artcraftsman Press SF silkscreen 15.25x19.75 mint 40.flylsdairline.IMG_5651.jpg
41 Fly Higher LSD airline 11x17 mint 41.flyhigher.IMG_5662.jpg
42 LS&D Railroad poster Wendell Graphics Esoteric Poster Co The Blue Angel LTD 12.75x20 mint 42.lsdrailroad.IMG_5653.jpg
44 Lets Stop Destruction poster 1967 Duncan 11x17 crease top left and on left in L of Let's 44.letsstopdestruct.IMG_5661.jpg
45 The Acid Test - Elgin car ad 45.elginacidtest.IMG_5728.jpg
46 Lucy in the Sky poster Personality posters blacklight 1967 30x22 holes in 4 corners top left corner creased/bent 46.lucyblacklight.IMG_5658.jpg
47 Acid Queen blacklight poster tom gatz 21x33 Pro Arts Inc Medina Ohio some paint off see pics 47.acidqueen.IMG_5677.jpg
48 Generation Gap (Mushroom Bomb poster) John Sposato 1968 pandora productions Wayzata MN Item 73 22x27.75 tape on back 48.gengapmushroom.IMG_5674.jpg
49 The Game - Turn on tune in and explore inner space - Poster 1967 Dwight Bulkley 28x22 thin stock (corner bent over in pic - just creased) 49.the game.IMG_5667.jpg
50 Flyer – LSD panel debate Feb. 10 1967 Cohen, Watts + 50.lsddebatepanel.IMG_4768.jpg
51 An Evening of Comedy and Rock - Carlin, Leary, Krassner signed by all three May 23, 19xx 51.eveningcomedyrock.signed.IMG_5659.jpg
52 Blacklight bumper sticker if you took lsd you'd be there by now 52.lsdbetherebynow.IMG_4704.jpg
53 LSD puzzle game a with foxing on L letter - some rubbing - ink off (pricesticker?) rt. Side, 53.lsdgame.IMG_4343.jpg
54 LSD puzzle game b mint copy 54.lsdgame.IMG_4322.jpg
55 lsd experiment photo emory university copy print 55.emoryunivlsd.IMG_5560.jpg
56 Psychedelic Solution 22x16 -word definition poster Rick Griffin artwork 56.psychsolution.IMG_5672.jpg
58 Eden Hashish Center 13.75x21.5 no calendar only artwork 58.edenhash.IMG_5673.jpg
59 Mutant - Bob Seidemann 33x23 59.mutant.IMG_5675.jpg
61 A Trip is not a voyage 61.tripnotvoyagepin.IMG_4338.jpg
62 LSD Breakfast of Hippies 62.breakfastofhippin.IMG_4339.jpg
63 Melts in your mind not in your hand
64 Legalize Spiritual Discovery pink and rouge 64.legspiritdiscpin.IMG_4340.jpg
65 Acid Saves 65.acidsavespin.IMG_4335.jpg
66 Acid spelled in square 66.ksdsquarepin.IMG_4341.jpg
67 Turn on tune in drop out get well 67.ttdgetwellpin.IMG_4334.jpg
68 Acid Love 68.acidlovepin.IMG_4342.jpg
69 LSD not LBJ 69.lsdlbjpin.IMG_4328.jpg
70 LSD support your local travel agent black letters 70.lsdtravelagentpin.IMG_4327.jpg
71 Make acid a sacrament 71.acidsacramentpin.IMG_4330.jpg
72 Reality is a put on 72.realityputonpin.IMG_4332.jpg
73 HIGH 73.highpin.IMG_4329.jpg
74 L.S.D.
77 Human Be In poster signed by mouse and kelly 14.25xapx 20 Binweed Press SF mint 77.Humansigned.IMG_5680.jpg
78 Human Be In poster 2 pieces matt tape on back and SF Groups written 78.Human.tapebk.IMG_5681.jpg
79 Human Be In poster mint
80 Human Be In a - Stanley Mouse 8X10 flyer - crease top leftand edge stains right 8.5x11 80.humbein.flyer.IMG_4727.jpg
82 Human Be In - Pow Wow flyer - griffin - mint - 8.5x11 Double H Press SF Union label 82.humbeingriffin.IMG_4726.jpg
83 Human Be In - Allen Ginsberg and people poster Lorin Gillette/Design Dick Mooore - Neal, Stratford&Kerr 18x23 sf jan 14, 1967 83.aghumanbein.IMG_5666.jpg
84 Stanley Mouse - Marijuana Flag – Human Be In Stanley Mouse silkscreen 47x36 - with mouse email 84.Hbeinflag.IMG_4366.jpg
87 ASPEN - No. 9 Psychedelic Issue missing section 2 and subscription form 87.aspen9.IMG_4568.jpg
88 ASPEN - No. 3 Pop Art Issue missing subscription form 10 trip ticket book and peter walker flexidisc 88.aspen3.IMG_4569.jpg
91 Millbrook – Art Kleps Neo-American Church 1975 NEWSPAPER FORMAT 91.millbrook.newspaper.IMG_5721.jpg
92 LSD and Co mail bag 19x18 92.lsdcobag.IMG_4314.jpg
93 Danny and Dock press photo Doc Ellis oct 3 1970 pitched no hitter on lsd 93.docpress.IMG_4751.jpg
94 Greater Talent Network Press photo TL orig or copy?? 94.greatertalentTL.IMG_4754.jpg
95 Doc Ellis Baseball card - 1970 unsigned 95.docellis. IMG_4753.jpg
96 Doc Ellis Baseball card - 1970 unsigned 96.docelliscard.IMG_4752.jpg
97 Amazon Hallucinogenic Plants - journal of ethnopharmacology ireland 1985 signed by schultes 97.schultessignedmushroom.IMG_4755.jpg
98 American Anthropologist - july sept 1940 the narcotic mushroom of the aztecs - schultes spine damaged - worn off? 98.amanthro.IMG_4756.jpg
99 Peyote pouch with whirling logs (swastika) 99.peyotepouch.IMG_5708.jpg
101 Man’s Magazine 8/1/1956 - writing on cover near header line I Went Insane For Science! 101.mansmag.IMG_4543.jpg
102 Life 5/13/1957 a - Wasson mushrooms 102.lifemuschroom.IMG_4508.jpg
103 Life 5/13/57 b - Wasson mushrooms 103.lifemusch.IMG_4509.jpg
104 Argosy 1-Aug-59 I went experimentally insane 104.argosy.IMG_4594.jpg
105 Inside Story 11/1/1960 lower left corner damaged new drug kick of the hollywood starts 105.insidestory.IMG_4694.jpg
106 Fate – Exp. The Soul w/LSD Jane Dunlop 6/1/1962 - writing on cover 106.fatejune62.IMG_4530.jpg
107 Time Mar-63 lsd leary alpert 107.timemar63.IMG_4545.jpg
108 Confidential - Sex Kick LSD Parties 1/1/1963- cover with cut out area (ad) LSD parties 108.confidential.IMG_4537.jpg
109 Life - Rx to change your mind - Control of the brain Pt. 2 March 15,1963 dunlop 109.liferxchangemind.IMG_4510.jpg
110 Playboy Nov. 1963 Huxley,Harrington,Wakefield 110.playboynov63.IMG_4605.jpg
111 Post Nov 2 1963 a with mark thru price b water damage bottom edge 111.postnov63.IMG_4507.jpg
112 Magical Blend - Nov 1994 Leary Chaos except - McKenna Pt 1 112.magblendnov92.IMG_4559.jpg
113 Adam Reader Number 17 LSD INCUCES ECSTASY AND HORROR 113.adamreader.IMG_4669.jpg
114 Pagent - Mind Altering Drugs - Mesc,Psy,LSD 3/1/1964 - date stamp on cover Mind Altering Drugs 114.pagentmarch.IMG_4527.jpg
115 Contact – Through A Mushr. Darkly April/May 1964
116 Realist june 65 #60 pk on lst 116.realist66..jpg
117 Rogue Apr-66 lsd and the thrill crowd and bob dylan 117.rogueapril66.IMG_4582.jpg
118 Ramparts Apr-66 the acid test and msu/cia 118.ramparts.IMG_4583.jpg
119 Newsweek 5/9/1966 a - cover torn lower spine 2+" LSD and the Mind Drugs 119.newsweek.IMG_4546.jpg
120 Newsweek b - mint LSD and the Mind Drugs 120.newsweeklsdandmind.IMG_4547.jpg
121 Offbeat - LSD The Acid Test Aug. 1966 - 25cent written on cover in T article on lsd 121.offbeat.IMG_4536.jpg
122 Pageant - with lsd I saw god/ lsd a sacred biochemical? Aug. 1966 - a with date stamp/b clean with lsd I saw god 122.b.pagent.IMG_4529.jpg
123 Life – LSD Art Sept. 9, 1966 a and b copies
124 Silver Screen Oct-67 Paul boasts taking LSD 124.silvscreenpssIMG_5559.jpg
125 Life – The Exploding Threat Sept. 25, 1966 a - 125.lifeexplodingthreat.IMG_4511.jpg
126 Life – The Exploding Threat b - 126.lifeexplodthreat.IMG_4512.jpg
127 Life – The Exploding Threat c - 127.lifeexplodthreat.IMG_4513.jpg
128 JEM Vol 8 No. 5 Oct. 66 LSD Stay Away… 128.JEM.IMG_4544.jpg
129 Post - Clubs make you feel like LSD Oct 22, 1966` nightsspots thatmakeyoufeellike lsd
130 PRS Journal - Drugs of Vision Winter 1966 130.prsjournal.IMG_4767.jpg
131 Fate – Mind Drugs A Creative Way of Life Feb. 1967 writing on cover 131.fatefeb67.IMG_4531.jpg
132 MR, Feb. 1967 Love Ecstasy and LSD
133 ACE – Take LSD and RIP May-67 133.ace.IMG_4555.jpg
134 Sexology sept 67 lsd and sex 134.sexology.IMG_4525.jpg
135 Playboy Nov. 1967 Sex and Psychedelics 135.playboynov67.IMG_4604.jpg
136 ACE - Diary of a Mad trip on lsd Nov-67 136.ace.IMG_4556.jpg
137 Popular Science – My LSD Trip Dec. 1967 a - with mailing label 137.popscience.IMG_4532.jpg
138 Popular Science – My LSD Trip b - without mailing label 138.popscience.IMG_4533.jpg
139 Companion - Sex before and after LSD Jan-68 sex before lsd - after lsd I lived it 139.companion.IMG_4524.jpg
140 Life Oct-69 marijuana 140.lifeoct69.jpg
141 National Bulletin 12/8/1969 Jackie Takes LSD / Cary Grant Jackie Takes LSD 141.natbulletin.IMG_4506.jpg
142 Playboy Feb. 1970 a - Drug scene 142.playboyfeb70.IMG_4606.jpg
143 Playboy b - foxing to cover and price sticker residue 143.playboyfeb70.IMG_4607.jpg
144 Psychedelic Information Center Bulletin #28 Feb 1970 144.psyinfo28.IMG_4765.jpg
145 Psychedelic Information Center Bulletin #29 April 1970 145.psyinfocentr.IMG_4766.jpg
146 Berkeley Barb May 11-17, 1973 R. Crumb My First LSD Trip 146.a.berkbarbmay.IMG_4567.jpg
147 Border/Lines No. 41 LSD and the Third Reich 147.borderlines.IMG_4538.jpg
148 Dupree’s Diamond No 25 price sticker Owsley and Mickey Hart 148.dupree25..jpg
149 Dupree’s Diamond No 26 price sticker Owsley and Vince Welnick 149.dupree26.IMG_4699.jpg
150 The Realist – Paul Krassner on LSD No. 60 150.realistkrasslsd.IMG_4562.jpg
151 Lysergic World 4-16/19-93 151.lysergicworld.IMG_4561.jpg
152 TRP-The Resonance Project Spring 2000 152.TRP.IMG_4540.jpg
153 Psychedelic Island Views Vol 3 Issue1 owlsey pt1 153.psyislandpt1.IMG_4696.jpg
154 Psychedelic Island Views Vol 4 Issue 1 owsley pt2 154.psyislandpt2.IMG_4697.jpg
155 Island Views No 5 winter /spring 99 155.islandviews.IMG_4763.jpg
156 Island Views No 6 oct 2001 156.islandview.IMG_4764.jpg
157 Island Views Vol 1 issue 2 a - bicycle day issue 157.islandviews.IMG_4761.jpg
158 Island Views b - bicycle day issue 158.islandviews.IMG_4762.jpg
159 Trip a/fall01, b/ww02, c/sum 02,d/ spring 03 159.d.trip.IMG_4551.jpg
160 Scientific American 12.04 Drugs inside everyone's brain 160.scientificam.IMG_4560.jpg
161 High Times - Krassner - took lsd at chicago 7 trial Sep-90 krassner trip chicago 7 trial 161.hightimeskrassner.IMG_4534.jpg
162 High Times #1 162.hightimes.1.IMG_4535.jpg
163 Look Aug. 22, 1967 hippy revolution 163.look67.IMG_5562.jpg
164 Post 9.23.67 hippie cult 164.post67.IMG_5561.jpg
165 Front Page Dective July 1967 - LSD A New Religion 165.ftpgdetective.IMG_4593.jpg
167 Teonanacatl - Hallucinogenic mushrooms of NA-Ott/Bigwood madrona 1978 no dj as issued 167.teonanacatl.IMG_4757.jpg
168 I Want to Take You Higher 168.takehigher.IMG_4448.jpg
169 The Day of St. Anthony’s Fire – John Fuller MacMillian 1st w price clip FINE & 1st bookclub ed. 169.stanthonyfire.IMG_4453.jpg
170 Drugs and the Mind – Robert De Ropp St. Martins Press 1st 1957 170.drugsofmind.IMG_4457.jpg
171 Exploring Inner Space – Jane Dunlop Harcourt,Brace,World - FINE 1st 1961 171.exploreinnerspace.IMG_4458.jpg
172 Utopiates – Richard Blum & Assoc. Atherton Dr. name stamped first page includes publishers promo insert!!! 1st 1964 172.utopiates.IMG_4452.jpg
173 LSD The Consc. Expanding Drug – D. Soloman Putman’s Sons a brown bind. - rt edge of dj rubbed - b blk bind.- tears at top of dj 1st 1964 b has dr. name stamp 173.b.lsdxsoloman.IMG_4469.jpg
174 Private Sea – William Braden Quadrangle - underlining in first 3 chapters otherwise VG+ 1st 1967 174.privatesea.IMG_4455.jpg
175 Neuropharmacology – H. Abramson MD J. Macy Foundation 1957 175.neuropharmocology.IMG_4446.jpg
176 Use of LSD in Psychotherapy– H. Abramson MD J. Macy Foundation - inscribed to Gwen from abramson 1959
177 Use of LSD in Psychotherapy– H. Abramson MD b - water stains/wrinkles pg 1-50ish and stains to DJ ft and back c copy - two tears top of dj 177.psychotherapy.IMG_4428.jpg
178 7th Annual Chestnut Lodge Symposium Private binding 1961 178.chesnutlodge.IMG_4449.jpg
179 Variaties of Psy. Exper. – Masters/Houston Holt Rinhart Winston top of spine DJ torn off 1st 1966 179.varitiesofpsychexp.IMG_4456.jpg
180 Altered States of Consc. – Ed by Charles Tart Wiley & Sons - fist inner page scuffed from erasure of something otherwise FINE 1st 1969 180.altstatesofconc.IMG_4451.jpg
181 My Self and I – Constance Newland Coward McCann a small tear bottom right cover of dj 1962 1st Impress. 181.myselfandi..jpg
182 My Self and I – Constance Newland b - 2nd impression sm tear top edge of dj cover 182.myselfandi.IMG_4480.jpg
183 My Self and I – Constance Newland c - 3rd impression - top edge of back dj tape/damage 183.myselfandi.IMG_4481.jpg
184 This Timeless Moment – Laura Huxley Farrar,Straus&Giroux tears on top DJ ft&bk near spine 2nd print / name on in.cov. 184.timelessmom.IMG_4429.jpg
185 Invisible Landscape – T&D McKenna Seabury 1975 1st 185.invislandscp.IMG_4441.jpg
186 Neurophys.and Behav.Aspects of Psycotropic Drugs-Karczmar/Koella Thomas Books 69 - tear top dj near spine - sunning name written and code stamped on inner page 186.neuroandbehavdrugs.jpg
187 Major Ordeals of the Mind and countless other ones - Henru Michaux Harcourt Brace FINE with Werner Gallery insert for HM 1974 187.majorordealsmind.IMG_4463.jpg
188 Soma-Divine Mushroom of Immortality- R. Gordon Wasson small v tear out of top of front dj otherwise FINE Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch 188.soma.IMG_4461.jpg
189 Hashish – Henry De Monfreid London Methuen 1935 - tears top dj near spine - foxing VG+ 1st British Ed. 189.hashish.IMG_4431.jpg
190 The Discovery of Love – Malden Grange Bishop Torquil 1963 1" closed tear to DJ top ft near spine and ft top rt corner(minor) 190.discovoflove.IMG_4430.jpg
191 The Beyond Within - Sidney Cohen Athneum 64 fourth printing 1966 VG price clipped 191.beyondwithin.IMG_4460.jpg
193 LSD Psychotherapy – W.V. Caldwell Grove Press 1968 minor tears curls to top edge of DJ 1st 193.lsdpsychother.IMG_4459.jpg
194 Stairways to Heaven – Robert Fuller Westview Press 2000 194.stairwaystoheav.IMG_4465.jpg
195 The Joyous Cosmology - Alan Watts Pantheon 1962 DJ Poor - book VG 195.joyouscosmo.IMG_4440.jpg
196 Aspects of Consciousness - ed by Underwood and Stevens Academic Press 1981 Vol 2 rubbing on rt edge of front cover dj 196.aspectsofconsc.IMG_4464.jpg
197 The Sacred Mushroom - Puharich Victor Golancz UK 1959 price clipped ink writing on first page lft corner 197.sacredmush.IMG_4466.jpg
198 Chemical Concepts of Psychosis - ed. by Rinkel/Denber McDowell,Obolensky - 1.5" tear ft dj bot lft - price clipped 1st 1958 198.chemconcepts.IMG_4438.jpg
199 LSD Personality and Experience - Barr, Langs + Wiley Interscience sticker residue on cover otherwise fine 1st 1972 199. lsdpersonexp..jpg
200 True Hallucinations - Terrance McKenna Harper Collins 1st 1993 price clipped dj FINE 200.truehallucin.IMG_4445.jpg
201 Food of The Gods - Terrance McKenna Bantam 1st 1992 dye stain near spine/water
202 The Second Ring of Power- Carlos Castaneda Simon and Schuster 1st 1977 FINE 202.secondring.IMG_4444.jpg
203 Tales of Power - Carlos Castaneda simon and Schuster 1st 1974 FINE w/name name in book 203.talesofpower.IMG_4443.jpg
205 50 Years of LSD-Pletscher and Ladewig Parthenon 1994 - FINE barcode sticker on back 205.50yearslsd..jpg
206 In Search of the Magic Mushroom-Jeremy Sandford Potter 1973 first dj torn top at spine ft/bk - price clip - otherwise VG to fine 206.insearchmagmush.IMG_4462.jpg
207 Pot - John Rosevear University Books 1967 dj ripped and stained on back - ft 1" tear top 207.pot.IMG_4437.jpg
208 The Hallucinogens - Hoffer and Osmand Academic Press 1967 3rd printing 1969 NO DJ
209 Drugs of Halluncination - Sidney Choen M.D. Scientific Book Club FINE 209.drugsofhallucin.IMG_4439.jpg
210 Psychochemotherapy - Cohen/Ditman/Gustafson revised edition 1967 FINE no dj 210.psychochemotherapy.jpg
211 Pihkal A Chemical Love Story Transform Press - 1st Ed 4th Printing Signed by AS & AS 100/300 211.pihkal.IMG_4471.jpg
212 The Continuation Transform Press 1st signed by AS & AS 84/300 212.continuation.IMG_4472.jpg
213 The Man Who Turned on the World - Michael Hollingshead us edition 213.manturnonworld.IMG_4772.jpg
214 The Man Who Turned on the World - Michael Hollingshead signed by ralph metzner and rm nameplate affixed 214.turnedonworld.rmsigned.IMG_4771.jpg
215 The Marihuana Papers - ed David Soloman Bobbs Merrill 1966 7.99 written by price 215.marihuanapapers.IMG_5553.jpg
216 Psychedelic Baby Reaches Puberty - Peter Stafford academy 1972 UK minor foxing and stains 216.psybabypuberty.IMG_5552.jpg
220 Psychedelic Monographs and Essays PM&E Publishing Vol 4 2nd print 1990 220.psymono4.IMG_4483.jpg
221 Psychedelic Monographs and Essays PM&E Publishing - adhesive residue fr and back Vol 5 1st printing 221.psymono5.jpg
222 Psychedelic Monographs and Essays PM&E Publishing vol 5 1st printing 222.psymono5.IMG_4485.jpg
223 Psychedelic Monographs and Essays PM&E Publishing Vol 6 1st print 1993 223.psymon6.IMG_4486.jpg
224 Joyous Cosmology – Alan Watts Vintage 1965 VG 224.joyouscosmoIMG_4487.jpg
225 Be Here Now Lama Foundation third printing 225.beherenow.IMG_5557.jpg
226 LSD Dossier – Roger Harris Compact F303 1966 Fiction 226.lsddossier.IMG_4493.jpg
227 Sexual Paradise of LSD – Marsha Alexander Brandon House 1967 227.sexualparadise.IMG_4492.jpg
228 Golden Guide to Hallucinogenic Plants - Richard Schultes Golden Press Western Publishing 1976 228.goldenguide.IMG_4497.jpg
229 Storming Heaven – Jay Stevens Perennial Library 1995 229.stormheaven.IMG_4505.jpg
230 Hallucinogens and Culture – Peter Furst Chandler& Shugs 1976 230.hallucinandcult.IMG_4502.jpg
231 Psychedelic Review - #7 231.psyrev7.IMG_4521.jpg
232 Psychedelic Review - #6 232.psyrev6.IMG_4520.jpg
233 Psychdelic Review #9 1967 233.psyrev9.IMG_4519.jpg
234 Psychedelic Review - #10 1969 234.psyrev10.IMG_4518.jpg
235 Book of Acid – Adam Gottlieb 1967 235.bookofacid.IMG_4395.jpg
236 Pathways Through to Space - Franklin Merrell-Wolff Julian Press 1973 owner name on first two pages in ink 236.pathwaysthrough.IMG_4503.jpg
237 He Who Is The Greater Is The Servent of the Other City Lights - sunning to spine vg to mint 1 0f 1000 copies 1970 237.hewhoisthegreatest.IMG_4391.jpg
238 Tomorrow and Tomorrow - Hunt Collins PyramidG654 Sept 1961 238.tomorrow.IMG_5554.jpg
239 Psiloybin – Magic Mushroom Growers Guide And/Or 7611 1975 First (T&D McKenna) 239.psilocybin1st..jpg
241 Invisible Landscape T&D McKenna HarperSF 1994 Revised 241.invislandscape.IMG_4769.jpg
242 Boo Hoo Bible – Art Klepps Toad Books 1971 2 copies a/b a with small drop stains 242.boohoo.IMG_4522.jpg
244 Poetic Vision and the Psy. Exp. – R.A. Durr Delta VG first 71 244.poeticvision.IMG_4488.jpg
245 LSD – Alpert Cohen Schiller a - small tear at spine b - remainder mark top edge and rub marks on cover 245.b.lsd.IMG_4478.jpg
246 LSD – Alpert Cohen Schiller b -
247 Millbrook Thanksgiving – Walter Schneider Unity Press Mad River Press 1971 one copy with back jacket creased Ltd. Ed 3000 - 2 copies 247.millbrookthanksgiving.IMG_4398.jpg
249 Millbrook – The True Story of the early years A. Kleps Bench Press 1977 249.millbrooktruestory.IMG_4399.jpg
251 Journal of Psychedelic Drugs Haight Ashbury Free Clinic - Vol 1 Issue 1 251.journalof.IMG_4517.jpg
252 Song of the Siren - Stanley Krippner stamp and price writing and tear on back cover edge.5" 252.songofsiren.IMG_4489.jpg
253 How To Enjoy Reality name on cover france? 253.howtoenjoyreality.IMG_4496.jpg
254 Mescal A New Artificial Paradise-Havelock Ellis removed from book 254.mescalreprint.IMG_4397.jpg
255 Les Champignones hallucinogenes du mexique Archives Museum of Natural History 1958 tome VI & 65/66 tome IX tome VI 255.mushroom french.IMG_4390.jpg
258 ESP Experiments with LSD 25 and Psilocybin Parapsychology Foundation part of spine edge torn off 1" - otherwise VG No. 5 258.espexplsd.IMG_4501.jpg
259 The Yage Letters - Burroughs&Ginsberg city lights first ed printed in GB 259.yageletters.IMG_4392.jpg
260 Psychedelic Ecstasy - Marshall/Taylor Wilshire Book Co top edge of spine worn 260.psychest.IMG_4491.jpg
261 LSD The Age of Mind - Bernard Roseman Wilshire Book Co 1963 small tear edge of back wrap 261.ageofmind.IMG_4490.jpg
262 The Hashish Cookbook - Panama Rose Gnaoua Press 1966 2 copies both stained - 1 fair 1 good 262.hashishcookbook.IMG_4400.jpg
263 Birth of a psychedelic culture - ram dass/ralph metzner Synergetic Press SIGNED RALPH METZNER 263.birthofpsychsigned.IMG_5556.jpg
264 Pot - John Rosevear Citaldel Press NY 2nd paperbound 1970 264.pot.IMG_4494.jpg
265 LSD Spirituality and the Creative Process - Janiger/Rios Park Street Press - 2003 - ist 265.lsdandcreat.IMG_4504.jpg
266 Hallucinogenic Drugs and their Application to ESP-Copley Hypnoscopic Institute 1962 266.hallucinogenicESP.IMG_4394.jpg
267 Session Games People Play - Lisa Bieberman Psychedelic Information CenterFeb 67 267.sessiongames.IMG_4393.jpg
268 The Psychedelic Guide to Preparation of the Eucharist Ed by Robert Brown Neo Am. Church, L.S.D. 268. psychprepeucharist.IMG_5746.jpg
270 Annals of the NY Academy of sciences vol 66 the pharmacology of psychmimetric and psychotherapudic dreugs 14-Mar-57 270.annalsnyacad.IMG_4500.jpg
271 ETC. Special Issue on the Psychedelic Experience Leary, Krimmner, Osmond, Fadiman 271.etc.IMG_4526.jpg
272 Surfer - Interview with Leary Jan-78 272.surfer.IMG_4542.jpg
273 The Acid Diaries - Christopher gray park street press 2009 273.aciddiaries.IMG_5555.jpg
275 The Weird World of LSD :20/:60 radio promos 71/2ips reel 275.weirdworldreel.IMG_4758.jpg
276 The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge Terence Mckenna 8 cassette box set 276.searchorigtree.IMG_4688.jpg
277 Food of the Gods cd th20c12 cdr 277.foodofgods.IMG_4691.jpg
278 Vision Plants dmt2012 cdr 278.visionplants.IMG_4690.jpg
279 Unfolding the Stone 6.1.91 2 cdr 279.unfoldingthestone.IMG_4692.jpg
280 Ram Dass - Here We all are Hay House cds 4 CD SET - SILVER 280.hereweallare.IMG_4693.jpg
283 Weird World of LSD Something Weird Video 283.wierdworldlsdvhs.IMG_4323.jpg
284 The Acid Eaters dub 284.acideatersvhs.IMG_4360.jpg
285 The Bridge : A Psychedelic Sampler Conference, Sanford 2/91 a - 285.bridge91vhsmaster.IMG_4353.jpg
286 The Bridge : A Psychedelic Sampler b - island foundation label 286.bridgeislandvhs.IMG_4359.jpg
287 Psychedelic Summit - 50 Year Celebration of LSD Santa Cruz 4-16-93 287.psysummitvhs.IMG_4356.jpg
288 LSD Everyman vhs 288.lsdeverymanvhs.IMG_4348.jpg
289 Thomas Lyttle RIP postcard 2008 289.lyttlepostcard.IMG_4774.jpg
291 MISC
292 Peter Max wall clock 292.maxclock.IMG_5747.jpg
293 35mm filmstrip – Encyclopedia Britannica Corp. Drugs and Health 293.35mmslides.IMG_5046.jpg
294 Get Well Card Tried to get you some lsd…. 294.getwelllsd.IMG_4703.jpg
295 Blotter art - Dr. John Lilly Lilly signed a - 53 of 250 and 295.lillyblotter.IMG_4739.jpg
296 Blotter art - Dr. John Lilly b - 142 of 250 296.lillyblotter.IMG_4740.jpg
297 A.O. Stanley Photo father of Owsley 297.stanleypic.IMG_4695.jpg
298 1974 Eden Hashish Center 24x15.75 298.eden.jpg
302 Robert Ross - LSD - Castalia Foundation-Nov. Nov. 29, 1964 Leary and Alpert/Town Hall NYC - original run 1964 2/15 signed framed with plexi 302.rosslsd.IMG_5705.jpg
303 Town Hall program 64 How To Use Your Head TL and RA water stain top left corner 303.townhallprogram.IMG_4712.jpg
304 Castalia Foundation flyer workshop 1964 w/original envelope 304.castalia.IMG_4710.jpg
305 Castalia Foundation flyer june 19 thru aug 28, 1966 Summer School - training course 8 pages - 2 color 305.castaliasummer.jpg
306 Castalia Foundation Selected reading list (4pgs) DA cover letter, zerox of tapestry, questionaire 7 pages
307 A Preliminary Report - Harvard University Americans and Mushrooms in a naturalistic enviorn. original mimeograph signed by Leary 307.harvardmushroom.IMG_4709.jpg
308 IFIF Statement of Purpose 16-May-65 308.ifif.IMG_4711.jpg
309 Illumination of the Buddha Village Theater-League for Spiritual Discovery poster-restored 309.illumbuddha.IMG_5706.jpg
310 Psychedelic Celebration Number One Berkley Theater&Winterland 1-72(per WV) folded 5 3/4x7 3/4 a - handbill 310.psycelebrationno1.IMG_4713.jpg
311 Psychedelic Celebration Number One b - unfolded!!!! Moisture wrinkle to top by damag. 311.psyceleb.IMG_4750.jpg
312 TL in Wonderland 13x19 signed TL silver sharpie 312.tlwonderlandsigned.IMG_5664.jpg
313 TL in Wonderland 13x19 unsigned 313.tlwonder.IMG_5663.jpg
314 Visionary Experience/Huxley - How To Change Behavior/Leary Munksgaard 1962 RM Bucke Memorial Society stamp 314.visionaryhuxley.IMG_4715.jpg
315 Lisa Law Photos 2-8x10 of TL , 1- 8x12 TL & AG At Human Ben in signed on back 315.c.lisalaw.IMG_4724.jpg
316 Freedomland Study Guide TL & RA classroom aid - staple bound 316.freedomland.IMG_4725.jpg
317 Chaos X-Ray #5 biz card TL - Envelope X-Ray #5 "one word dosage- take with caution-xray #5 pill envelope 317.chosxraycard.IMG_4706.jpg
318 Theory and methodology for measuring fantasy and imag. Exp. reprint journal of personality vol 25 no 2 dec 1956 318.fantasy andimaginativeexpression.IMG_4396.jpg
319 TL wedding photos 7 - 3x4 color prints - original 319.g.tlwedd.IMG_4675.jpg
320 Modeling prints - 3 of Nena von Schlebrügge 2 - 11x14 (rose lime juice) and 1 - 9x14 (wrapped in sheet) 1 creased at top fair condition 320.c.nena.IMG_4673.jpg
321 Newspaper articles -TL illum budd, on this cube, high priest of lsd 321.b.IMG_5711.jpg
323 Newsweek 10-Jun-63 323.newseekjun63.IMG_4590.jpg
324 Sat. Evening Post Nov. 2, 1963 article cut out of magazine 324.satpost.IMG_4580.jpg
325 Look Nov. 5, 1963 a and b Harvarddrugscandal – Weil 325.look nov63.IMG_4577.jpg
326 The Realist No. 55 Dec. Jan 64/5 article - mentions TL -2 copies 326.realist55.IMG_4563.jpg
327 Esquire 6/1/1964 a copy b copy response to article - TL & RA 327.b.esquireoug64..jpg
328 Mans Illustrated Jul-64 Americas newest sex drug 328.manillustratedjul64.IMG_4584.jpg
329 Swank Jul-64 The Hipsters with green thumbs - grow hallucinog. 329.swank.IMG_4541.jpg
330 Time 4/29/1966 light staining to right side cover millbrook and marijuana bust 330.time ap66.IMG_4626.jpg
331 Newsweek 2-May-66 pot charges 331.newseekmay66.IMG_4629.jpg
332 Billboard 30-Jul-66 LSD lp ad 332.billboard.IMG_4573.jpg
333 Cavalier Jul-66 Town Hall speech 333.cavalier.IMG_4627.jpg
334 Inside Detective Vol. 44 No. 9 Sept. 66 LSD and the turned on prof. 334.insidedetectiveIMG_4628.jpg
335 Playboy 9/1/1966 a - 335.playboy66.jpg
336 Playboy b - 336.playboy66.IMG_4609.jpg
337 Playboy Sept 1966 interview c -price sticker residue 337.playboy66.IMG_4655.jpg
338 Playboy d - 338.playboy66..jpg
339 Playboy e - 339.playboy66.IMG_4657.jpg
340 Playboy f -moisture stain on cover. 340.playboy66.water..jpg
341 Sir Oct. 66 a - VG+ 341.sir.IMG_4552.jpg
342 Sir b - wrinkles and stain on back 3"+right sidet 342.sir.IMG_4553.jpg
343 Pageant Dec 1966 it's beautiful its awful photo essay - 4 copies 343.pagent.dec66.IMG_4600.jpg
344 Pageant b - 344.pagent66.IMG_4601.jpg
345 Pageant c - 345.pagentdec66.IMG_4602.jpg
347 Brown Daily Herald 6-Dec-66 leaey & lsd - chemical cult 347.brownheraldIMG_4714.jpg
348 Police Gazette 1-Jan-67 High Priest of LSD 348.natpolicegazette.IMG_4570.jpg
350 Look 8-Aug-67 the visions of saint tim (plus other drug) 350.lookaug67.IMG_4575.jpg
351 LA Free Press 9/22-28/67 351.lafreepress.IMG_4645.jpg
352 SF Oracle 1-Oct-67 intv w/TL and D. Crosby 352.sforacle..jpg
353 TRUE 11/1/1967 a and b good pot smoked dizzy lsd world 353.a.true1167..jpg
354 Mens's Digest No 100 a-mint b- torp right corner torn article on TL 354.b.truedect.IMG_4597.jpg
355 Beau 1-Jul-68 TL's Bad trip(great pics!!)
356 Evergreen Jul-68 356.evergreen.july68.IMG_4595.jpg
357 ROGUE Vol 7 # 12 August 68 Flower Pot World of TL 357.rogueaugust.IMG_4581.jpg
358 Rolling Stone No. 29 March 15, 1969 mint review of HP & P of E 358.rollingstone29.IMG_4651.jpg
359 Marijuana Review Jun-Aug 69 Vol 1 No 3 359.marijmonthly.IMG_4649.jpg
360 Playboy 12/1/1969 price sticker residue on cover fold out memoir 360.playboy69.IMG_4662.jpg
361 Playboy price sticker residue on cover 361.playboy69.jpg
362 Playboy price sticker residue on cover 362.playboy69.jpg
363 Playboy crease lower right corner 363.playboy69.IMG_4661.jpg
364 East Village Other 3/17/1970 - mailing label tl kidnapped 364.eastvillageother.IMG_4646.jpg
365 Rolling Stone No. 58 May 14,1970 DVV on cover article on TL 365.rollingstone58.IMG_4654.jpg
366 Intrepid intrepid press #18 & 19 1971 366.intrepid.1819.IMG_4473.jpg
367 Intrepid intrepid press #20 367.intrepid.20.IMG_4474.jpg
368 Playboy 7/1/1971 a - price sticker residue on cover In Algeria 368.playboy71.IMG_4665.jpg
369 Playboy b -price sticker residue 369.playboy71.IMG_4666.jpg
370 Playboy c -price sticker residue 370.playboy71..jpg
371 Playboy d - mint 371.playboy71.IMG_4668.jpg
372 Playboy 9/1/1975 a - How turned informer 372.playboy75.IMG_4664.jpg
373 Playboy b - 3 in seam split and price sticker residue 373 playboy75.IMG_4663.jpg
374 The Realist Jan. / Feb. 71 No.88 T.L. on cover - Algeria 374.realist. 71.IMG_4648.jpg
375 Evergreen Review # 86 1/71 a - mint 375.penthousejan71.IMG_4585.jpg
376 Evergreen Review b - tear top cover center 376.penthousejan71..jpg
377 Evergreen Review c - and d 377.penthousejan71IMG_4587.jpg
378 Penthouse Mar-73 intv in Switzerland 378.penthousemar73.IMG_4591.jpg
379 Rolling Stone No. 130 March 15,1973 a - Long Arm of the Law 379.rollingstone130.IMG_4652.jpg
380 Rolling Stone b - 380.rollingstone130.IMG_4653.jpg
381 Fifth Estate May 12-25, 1973 article 381.fifthestate.IMG_4647.jpg
382 OZ No 48 winter 1973 last issue - interview w/TL 382.oz.IMG_4588.jpg
383 Rolling Stone No 194 Aug 28,1975 a- Dark pact w/the Feds 383.a.rollingstoneaug75.IMG_4571.jpg
384 Rolling Stone b - torn bottom cover 384.rollingstoneaug75IMG_4620.jpg
385 HEAD Nov/Dec 76 Interview 385.head.IMG_4589.jpg
389 Magical Blend #18 Feb 88 TheShaman'sJourneyPress 389.magblend18.IMG_4642.jpg
390 LSD - Dr. C. Magnino M. 1967 Edizioni mediterranee roma softcover 390.lsditalian.IMG_4773.jpg
391 Psychedelic Solution / Limelight card 12/21/1990 391.psysolution.IMG_4728.jpg
392 Sound Choice #16 Winter 91 a - stains on cover intv
393 Sound Choice b - 393.soundchoice.IMG_4621.jpg
394 High Times May-93 intv. 50 yrs of LSD
395 Magical Blend # 44 Nov 94 The Eternal phil. of Chaos
396 Don't Tell It #8 Aug/Sept 95 The PC istheLSDof the 90's 396.hightimes.may93.IMG_4632.jpg
398 Spin Aug-96 obit 398.spin.IMG_4622.jpg
399 JUXTAPOZ Spring 96 intv. 399.juxtapoz.IMG_4631.jpg
400 LAVA May-96 cover 400.lava.IMG_4624.jpg
401 Vanity Fair Jun-96 Q&A 401.vanityfair.IMG_4644.jpg
402 Esquire 8/1/1996 a - obit L Last Trip 402.esquire96.IMG_4633.jpg
403 Esquire b - 403.esquire96.IMG_4634.jpg
404 Magical Blend # 52 Oct 96 Outside Looking In 404.magblend52.IMG_4643.jpg
405 Rolling Stone No. 738/9 July 11-25,1996 obit 405.rollingstone july96.IMG_4623.jpg
406 Magical Blend #13 Tuning in to TL 406.magblend13.IMG_4641.jpg
407 MONDO #4 a - Burroughs & TL 407.mondo.IMG_4639.jpg
408 MONDO b - 408.mondo.IMG_4640.jpg
409 Dupree's Diamond News #34 obit and quotes 409.dupreesdiamond.IMG_4625.jpg
410 Psychedelic Island Views Vol. 2 Issue 2 a - 410.Psyislandviews.IMG_4636.jpg
411 Psychedelic Island Views b - 411.psyislviews.IMG_4637.jpg
412 Psychedelic Island Views c - 412.psyislandviews.IMG_4638.jpg
414 3x5 card - Politics of Ecstasy hand corrected copy 10.3.93 414.polecstasycorrected.IMG_4734.jpg
415 Civilizations are unbearable but... signed statement 8x10 415.civilizations.IMG_4716.jpg
416 Roadside Prophets Press Book 4-8x10 b&w 416.roadsideprophets.IMG_4719.jpg
417 Yoga Journal Aug. 2000 Ram Dass (disc. TL)
418 Beyond Life w/TL press kit Might Mouth/Mercury Records 1995 plus extra headshot photo 418.beyondpress.IMG_4748.jpg
419 Press Kit panacea ent mgt and carla befera pr 5/23/1988 in folder 419.panaceapress.IMG_4749.jpg
421 Handbill – Carlin, Leary, Krassner b - unsigned 421.carlin.IMG_4717.jpg
422 Handbill – Carlin, Leary, Krassner c - unsigned 422.carlin.IMG_4718.jpg
424 Dennis Hopper Postcard - Leary at Be In Switzerland a and b 424.tlhbinpostcard.IMG_4735.jpg
425 Future 1-May-79 TL on Evolution 425.future.IMG_4701.jpg
426 Future 1-Feb-80 TL - Scientists as Superstars 426.future.IMG_4702.jpg
427 Guide to Comuter Living (Commodore) 1-Nov-86 Signed cover and article on computers 427.guidecomptliv.signed.IMG_4700.jpg
428 Post Card - TL 1967 PERSONALITY POSTERS 5x8 a and b copies 428.b.tlpostcard.IMG_4721.jpg
429 The Simple Plant Isoquinolines - Alexander Shulgin and Wendy Perry Transform Press 429.simpleplantisoq..jpg
430 Look 9.1.59 - cary grant LSD 430.looksept59.IMG_4576.jpg
432 8X6 Photo RW&B redwhiteblue wardrobe copy print 432.rwbpicTL.IMG_4744.jpg
433 TL in picasso shirt 8x6 copy print 433.tlpicassoshirt.IMG_4743.jpg
434 Tl hands crossed thumbs up 4x6 b&w b&w print 434.tlb&w.IMG_4742.jpg
435 B&W photo TL, AG, RM and buddah copy print 435.agtlrmbuddha.IMG_4746.jpg
436 Color copy Tl under tree w/oranges copy print 436.tlundertreeoranges.IMG_4747.jpg
437 Press Photo LSD Advocate Charged - detroit 2-14-67 437.tldetroit21467.jpeg
439 Press Photo tells of drug use 4.13.66 439.tl51366testifies.jpeg
440 Press Photo Being arrested in NYC 4.17.66 poughkipsie ny 440.tl41766ny.jpeg
441 Press Photo oct 25, 1970 with eldridge cleaver in algiers 441.tlecleaver102570.jpeg
442 Press Photo Gov of Calif may 23,69 442.tl52369.jpeg
443 Leary and Lesh at Be In jan 24, 1967 a - (torn right bottom corner 6.75x10 443.tl12467hbinlesh.jpeg
444 Leary and Lesh at Be In b - 444.tl1267hbinleshAP.jpeg
445 Jerry Yulsman photo 8x10 b&w from playboy shoot 445.tlyuslamplayboy966.jpeg
446 TL pray with 4 candles turn on tune in drop out film press photo 446.tlttdofilm.jpeg
447 Dr TL arrested oct 11 1966 upi 447.tl101166ny2custoffic.jpeg
448 Beirut Lebanon TL with newsmen 448.tl102870beirut.jpeg
449 Supreme Court Rules for Him 20-May-69 with Rosmary at Mountain Center 449.tlranch52069.jpeg
450 Leary and wife arrive for trial larado texas jan 28, 1970 with rosemary in cowboy hat 450.tltexas.62070.jpeg
451 In Algiers 30-Oct-70 rosemary and jennifer Dohrn (sister of BD) 451.tl103070algiers.jpeg
452 Senate Subcomittee 13-May-66 AP 452.tl51366ap.jpeg
453 more danger in a coctail lounge than in halluncinogenic drugs 14-May-66 4.5x7 453.tl51466testifiessmall.jpeg
454 with attorney tom goodwin 3.8.66 - 7x9 454.tl3866larado.jpeg
455 Tl and film people millbrook sept 67 filmex Inc release 455.tlmillbrook967.jpeg
456 lsd drug out of control 5.18.66 at american university keystone press agency NY 456.tl51866outofcont.jpeg
457 35 mm slide 457.457.tl35mmslide.jpeg
458 press photo 1973 arrives in custody in LA from afganistan 1.19.73 458.tl11973la.jpeg
459 Press Photo LSD Advocate Charged - detroit 2-14-68 459.tlheadcopy..jpeg
461 Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality Ronald Press Company VG++++ DJ two closed tears top front edge broadart 461.interpersonal.IMG_4374.jpg
462 Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality stains to DJ - IBM Kingston stamped in red ink - fair dj torn top edge of dj lowrt corner torn off 462.interpersonal.IMG_4371.jpg
463 Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality VG DJ adhesive resideue ft cover - tear top left binding 463.interpersonal.IMG_4373.jpg
464 High Priest two tears to top edge of ft dj broadart 464.highpriest.IMG_4379.jpg
465 High Priest tears top of spine and back dj broadart 465.highpriest.IMG_4380.jpg
466 High Priest minor scuffing to top edge of dj front - stain to first inner page - ink top of pages stains bottom pg edge 466.high priest.IMG_4378.jpg
467 High Priest price clipped - stain to bottom front edge of book and dj VG broadart 467.highpriest.IMG_4381.jpg
469 Flashbacks Tarcher fair dj 469.flashback.IMG_4382.jpg
470 Politics of Ecstacy Putnam torn DJ bottom of spine 470.politics.IMG_4383.jpg
471 Jail Notes Douglas - FINE w/dust jacket 471.jailnotes.IMG_4435.jpg
472 Design For Dying Harper Edge - FINE w/dust jacket 472.designdying.IMG_4433.jpg
473 Psychedelic Reader University Press no dust jacket-grey binding 473.psychreader.IMG_4384.jpg
474 Psychedelic Reader University Press dust jacket-blue binding 474.psychreader.IMG_4432.jpg
475 Psychedelic Experience University Books a - 1ST ED. 254.79 / 305.00 475.psychexp.jpg
476 Psychedelic Experience b -
477 TL The Madness of the Sixties and Me Dr. Charles Slack - Wyden w/dust jacket 477.tlmadness60s.IMG_4442.jpg
478 Psychedelic Experience University Books 1st ed 478.psychexp.IMG_4386.jpg
479 Psychedelic Experience University Books second printing 479.psychexp.IMG_4387.jpg
480 Psychedelic Experience University Books fourth printing and fifth printing 480.psychexp2.IMG_4388.jpg
481 Whisper SP gold ink rubbed on cover Postscript by T&R Leary 481.whisper.IMG_4434.jpg
482 High Priest Ronin Publishing wrapper torn top and bottom but still sealed sealed ltd. sig. ed. 139/500 482.high priest roninsigned.IMG_4375.jpg
485 Flashbacks Tarcher Uncorrected proof 485.flashbackARC.IMG_4499.jpg
486 High Priest College Notes & Texts Inc. w/A. Ginsberg autog. 486.higpriestAGsigned.IMG_4498.jpg
487 Confessions of a Hope Fiend Bantam - scuff/tear on cover .25 advanced reading 487.confessionsadvanceIMG_4401.jpg
488 Confessions of a Hope Fiend Bantam a - tiny crease top left corner back cover 488.confessions.IMG_4402.jpg
489 Confessions of a Hope Fiend b - larger crease front cover and rear with rubbing on cover 489.confessionsIMG_4403.jpg
490 Psychedelic Prayers Poets Press 1st ed.Pink/tex.paper 490.psycprayers1st.IMG_4610.jpg
491 Psychedelic Prayers Poets Press a - 2nd edition (gold) 491.psychprayers.IMG_4616.jpg
492 Psychedelic Prayers stain front top left by spine 2nd edition (gold) 492.psyprayers.IMG_4618.jpg
493 Psychedelic Prayers c - 2nd edition (gold) 493.psyprayers..jpg
494 Psychedelic Prayers d - 2nd edition (gold) 494.psychairsIMG_4611.jpg
495 Psychedelic Prayers e - 2nd edition (gold) 495.psychprayers.IMG_4613.jpg
496 Psychedelic Prayers f - 2nd edition (gold) 496.psychprayers.IMG_4612.jpg
497 Psychedelic Prayers Poets Press 2nd edition highlighted 497.psyprayers.IMG_4614.jpg
498 Psychedelic Prayers Poets Press 3rd edition 498.psyprayers..jpg
499 Psychedelic Prayers Ronin reprint 499.psychprayersronin.IMG_4419.jpg
500 Chaos and Cyber Culture Ronin 500.chaossoft.IMG_4421.jpg
501 The Game of Life Peace Press TL Autog. / 1st owner name inside cover 501.gameoflife.IMG_4475.jpg
502 The Game of Life Peace Press 502.gameoflife#.IMG_4413.jpg
503 Neuropolitics Starseed Peace Press 1st ed. Oct. 77 503.neuropol.jpg
504 Neuropolitics Starseed Peace Press 1sted. Oct 77-signed 504.neuropolsignedIMG_4414.jpg
505 Neuropolitics Starseed Peace Press 1sted. Oct 77-signed 505.neuropolsigned2.jpg
506 What Does A Woman Want # 4194- edge of back cover torn/damaged 506.whatdoesawoman.IMG_4476.jpg
507 What Does A Woman Want # 4254 red pen mark 1 page 507.what doeswoman.jpg
508 Start Your Own Religion - 1967 Kirya Press of the Sri Tam Ashrama LeagueforSpiritualDiscovery 508.startreligiion.IMG_4733.jpg
509 Start Your Own Religion - 1967 Kirya Press of the Sri Tam Ashrama - 50cents written on cover TK/Fug Tuli Kupferberg signed owner name 509.sartreligion.fug.IMG_4732.jpg
510 Starseed Level Press 73 aquarian age bookstore stamp on title pg 510.starseed.IMG_4730.jpg
511 Jail Notes Zebra Books Z 11040 writing on inner cover 511.jailnoteszebra.IMG_4418.jpg
512 Jail Notes Grove Press 512.jailnotesgrove.IMG_4417.jpg
513 Politics of Ecstacy Paladin UK 513.polofecstuk.IMG_4495.jpg
514 Politics of Ecstacy College Notes price markered out blk. 514.politicssoft.IMG_4404.jpg
516 Exo-psychology Starseed Peace Press
517 The Curse of the Oval Room Translated by TL cover rubbed and small stain/fox on back HighTimesPress74 1stPrint. 517.curseova.IMG_4731.jpg
518 The Intelligence Agents Peace Press price sticker on back cover signed 518.intelagentsigned.IMG_4411.jpg
519 Surfing the Conscious Nets Last Gasp 1995 519.surfingconnets.IMG_4422.jpg
520 Berkeley Barb - vol 6 no 136 march 22-28 520.berkbarbmarch.IMG_4565.jpg
521 Changing My Mind,Among Others Prentice-Hall - 1st a - 521.changingsoft.IMG_4406.jpg
522 Changing My Mind,Among Others b - price sticker on back cover 522.changingsoft.IMG_4407.jpg
523 Delicious Grace of Moving Ones Hand uncorrected galley thunder mouth press 523.deliciousgraceadvance.IMG_4405.jpg
526 TL LAST TRIP Fox Lorber - On The Bus Prod. 526.lasttripvhs.IMG_4349.jpg
527 CYBERPUNK Mystic Fire 76232 w/ TL intv. 527.cyberpunkvhs.IMG_4344.jpg
528 VIRTUAL REALITY WL133 1995 528.virtrealityvhs.IMG_4352.jpg
529 HOLD ME THRILL ME KISS ME Live 69971 1992 feature 529.holdthrillkissvhs.IMG_4345.jpg
530 TIMOTHY LEARY'S DEAD MVP 812 530.tldeadvhs.IMG_4347.jpg
531 FATAL SKIES AIP 7050 rental copy 531.fatalskiesvhs.IMG_4350.jpg
532 FATAL SKIES sealed rental 532.fatalskiesvhssealed.IMG_4351.jpg
533 BEYOND LIFE WITH TIMOTHY LEARY Polygram 440 046 847-3 533.beyondlifevhs.IMG_4361.jpg
534 PLAYBOY Vol 6 1984 TL and Liddy 534.playboyvol6vhs.IMG_4346.jpg
535 LEARY LIVE - USE YOUR BRAIN Eugene 1992 Prod. John Swan 535.usebrainvhs.IMG_4324.jpg
536 HOW TO OPERATE YOUR BRAIN 1995 island foundation 536.opyourbrainislandvhs.IMG_4354.jpg
537 NAVIGATING THE CHAOTIC 90'S 537.navigate90svhs.IMG_4357.jpg
539 MSNBC AIRSHOT TL 539.msnbcvhs.IMG_4358.jpg
542 Flashbacks Dove Books on Tape 20340 open mint 542.flashbackcassetteopen.IMG_4367.jpg
543 Flashbacks Dove Books on Tape 20340 sealed cut out hole 543.flashbackcassetteCOsealed.IMG_4368.jpg
544 Flashbacks Dove Books on Tape 20340 cut out hole 544.flashbackcassetteCO.IMG_4369.jpg
546 American Culture 45-83 2 cdr set 546.amcultcds.IMG_4364.jpg
547 The Power of Imprinting 3 cdr set 547.imprintingcds.IMG_4363.jpg
548 Beyond Life With Timothy Leary cd sealed 548.beyondlifecd.IMG_4365.jpg
549 Visions of the Erotic Life 69 Berkeley 4 cd set 549.visionserotic.IMG_4689.jpg
552 TURN ON TUNE IN DROP OUT ESP 1027 one with orig sleeve 552.ttdo.IMG_5769.jpg
553 TURN ON TUNE IN DROP OUT ESP 1027 replacement sleeve 553.ttdo.IMG_5768.jpg
554 LSD sealed - Pixie CA1069 a - 554.lsdsealed.IMG_5764.jpg
555 LSD sealed - b - 555.lsdsealed.IMG_5765.jpg
556 LSD sealed - c - 556.lsdsealed.IMG_5766.jpg
557 LSD Pixie CA1069 557.lsdpixie.IMG_5761.jpg
558 LSD Pixie CA1069 558.lsdpixie.IMG_5762.jpg
559 LSD Capitol TAO 2574 559.lsdcap.IMG_5759.jpg
560 PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE Broadside BRX 601 560.psychexp.IMG_5767.jpg
561 LSD Capitol TAO 2574 sealed 561.lsdcapsealed.IMG_5760.jpg
562 LSD Capitol TAO 2574 562.lsdcap.IMG_5758.jpg
563 LSD Capitol TAO 2574 open end interview - minor stains/foxing 563.lsdinterv.IMG_5755.jpg
564 LSD Capitol TAO 2574 open end interview - minor stains/foxing 564.lsdinterv.IMG_5756.jpg
565 LSD Capitol TAO 2574 open end interview - mint 565.lsdinterv.IMG_5757.jpg
566 YOU CAN BE ANYONE THIS TIME AROUND douglas 1 566.youcan.IMG_5752.jpg
567 TURN ON TUNE IN DROP OUT - O M P SOUNDTRACK Mercury SR61131 567.ttdo.IMG_5754.jpg
568 YOU CAN BE ANYONE THIS TIME AROUND Douglas 1 568.youcan.IMG_5753.jpg
569 TURN ON TUNE IN DROP OUT - TL White label promo 45
570 YOU CAN BE ANYONE THIS TIME AROUND ufo london reissue 570.youcan.IMG_5751.jpg
571 ASH RA TEMPLE - SEVEN UP Metronome Records KK 58001 Germany 571.7up.IMG_5750.jpg
572 CBS RADIO ROCK CONNECTIONS June 6,1986 Interview
573 MUSHROOM CEREMONY Folkways FR 8975 sealed 573.mushroom.IMG_5749.jpg
578 MISC
579 Hands Off Tim Leary pin 579.handsofftl..IMG_4333.jpg
580 Be Leary of LSD pin orange 580.learyoflsdpin.IMG_4331.jpg
581 Mind Mirror Electronic Arts 1986 one with signed manual and all inserts - b)other just floppy 55.50 / 66.05 581a.mindmirror.jpg
582 Tune In Turn On Drop out (into of the life game) = Poster 20x13 OM at bottom 582.tunein.IMG_5668.jpg
583 Mista Leary He Dead Hunter S Thompson 274 of 326 Xray book co Perdido Press 583.mistaleary.IMG_4729.jpg
584 Is Your Trip Necessary 28x20 office of defense transportation poster WW2 1943 wrinkles folds holes fair cond 584.tripnecessary.IMG_5660.jpg
586 Fractal Blotter art 11/18 signed by TL and Ram Dass signed 5-25-96 w/photo 586.tlrdsignedblotter.IMG_4736.jpg
587 Portrait Blotter art TL signed a and b copies 587.b.tlblottersig.IMG_4738.jpg
588 Faster Higher Out In On - 17x14 signed TL 4.8.96 tabs all four corners on back 588.fasterhigher.IMG_5649.jpg
591 B&W negatives - 13 - Edward de Luga - Chicago Daily News plus 2- 5x7 b&w prints 591.c.b&w.IMG_4681.jpg